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2. Calculated Data

kdschmidt1 edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 12 revisions


The plugin calculates true wind, ground wind and set and drift. It needs COG/SOG, HDT/STW and AWA/AWS as input data. If HDT/STW is missing it uses COG/SOG as fallback (you get ground wind instead of true wind, and the direction is wrong if HDT!=COG). If you do not have a wind sensor, you can enter ground wind in the settings for testing purposes.

How the calculation is done and the formulas used as well definitions of the several quantities, all of this is documented in the code.

The values calculated by the plugin are published in AvNav as gps.sail_instrument.*. Optionally the plugin can emit NMEA sentences to make the computed data available to other devices. If decoding of own NMEA sentences is enabled, these data are fed back into AvNav, get parsed and written to their standard paths in gps.*. The following values are computed or copied from their sources.

Quantity Meaning AvNav-Path NMEA-Sentence
AWA apparent wind angle, measured by wind direction sensor gps.windAngle $MWV
AWAF apparent wind angle , filtered
AWD apparent wind direction, relative to true north
AWDF apparent wind direction, filtered
AWS apparent wind speed, measured by anemometer gps.windSpeed $MWV
AWSF apparent wind speed filtered
COG course over ground, usually from GPS gps.track
CRS course through water
DBK depth below keel gps.depthBelowKeel,
DBS depth below surface gps.depthBelowWaterline $DBS
DBT depth below transducer gps.depthBelowTransducer $DBT
DEV magnetic deviation, boat specific, depends on HDG gps.magDeviation $HDG
DFT tide drift rate gps.currentDrift $VDR
DFTF tide drift rate filtered
DOT depth of transducer
DRT draught
GWA ground wind angle, relative to ground, relative to HDT
GWD ground wind direction, relative to ground, relative true north
GWS ground wind speed, relative to ground
HDC compass heading, raw reading of the compass (also HDGc) gps.headingCompass $HDG
HDG heading, unspecified which of the following
HDM magnetic heading, as reported by a calibrated compass (also HDGm) gps.headingMag $HDM
HDT true heading, direction bow is pointing to, relative to true north (also HDGt) gps.headingTrue $HDT
HEL heel angle, measured by sensor or from heel polar TWA/TWS -> HEL
LAT Latitude,
LAY layline angle rel. to TWD
LEE leeway angle, angle between HDT and direction of water speed vector
LEF leeway factor
LON Longitude gps.lon,
POLAR Polar Speed Vector
SET set, direction of tide/current, cannot be measured directly gps.currentSet $VDR
SETF tide set direction filtered
SOG speed over ground, usually from GPS gps.speed
STW speed through water, usually from paddle wheel, water speed vector projected onto HDT (long axis of boat) gps.waterSpeed
TWA true wind angle, relative to water, relative to HDT gps.trueWindAngle $MWV
TWAF true wind angle, filtered
TWD true wind direction, relative to water, relative true north gps.trueWindDirection $MWD
TWDF true wind direction filtered
TWDMAX max true wind direction relative
TWDMIN min true wind direction relative
TWS true wind speed, relative to water gps.trueWindSpeed $MWD
TWSF true wind speed filtered
VAR magnetic variation, given in chart or computed from model gps.magVariation $HDG
VMCA optimum VMC direction (course)
VMCB optimum VMC direction (opposite
VMG velocity made good upwind
VPOL speed from polar

Magnetic Variation

The plugin is capable to calculate the magnetic Variation for you current position. It is using the World Magnetic Model. The WMM2020 Coefficient file (wmm2020.cof) valid for 2020 - 2025 is part of the software package. The calculation is done with the geomag-library provided by Christopher Weiss [email protected]. The Coefficient file and the library are located in the Sail_Instrument/lib/ directory

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