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C. Setting it all up

Jared Odulio edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 5 revisions

We all mean business

I started this project 16 months ago as UI template for future projects of our company instead of starting from scratch each time we signed for commission work. Though we don't mind billing for starting stuff from zero over and over again. What I exactly need is "moderate-code" approach, not "low-code" or "boiler-plate". The "low-code" people are there to solve specific business problems and those problems can include getting rid of expensive developers eating in to the manager's bonuses, their bosses' profit margins, the business owners' bottom line, well, at least that's what they are saying. The near future will create new kinds of jobs that we never imagined would exist back in the Old Normal, these new jobs will expect almost from everyone to learn how to code, remember COBOL? It stands for Common Business Oriented Language intended for use by the managers, imagine, for the managers.

"The Flow"

Large cloud vendors, mainly, shadily-funded will shill "The Flow" as the holy grail of application development. It's a trap, fortunately a lot of smart people still know that it will hit a wall and will stop flowing. In order to avoid this disaster all you need is to start somewhere such cloning this repo

$ git clone

After cloning, so many possibilities can happen, pick a widget or a code sample from project directory, get your developers working on the user stories. I'm sorry, we should stop using the word "engineers" to reference our coders, it's a worn out record. Just get it done.