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InVesalius Plugins

Thiago Franco de Moraes edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 1 revision

InVesalius Plugins

InVesalius has Plugin support, but there isn't a version released with this support yet. You have  to use the version under development from our github  repository There is not a documentation about InVesalius plugin development but I have github repository with some plugins But it's basically:

1. Each plugin is inside a folder.
2. You have to use Python to interact with Python and wxPython to draw the interface. You can use other language like C, C++, Rust, Cython but the part that interacts with InVesalius has to be Python.
3. In its folder you have to have a file (usually it's a empty file) because each plugin is a Python module.
4. A plugin.json file with this content:

    "name": "Name of the plugin",  
    "description": "A little description of the plugin",  
    "enable-startup": false  

"enable-statup" can be false or true. It indicates if the plugin can be used without a image loaded (if true) ou not (if false).

5. a file. This file must have a load() function where your plugin will start what is necessary, like create a interface.

6. After the plugin is loaded it can use all function inside the InVesalius. See the repository to use as example.

To see the folder where you have to put your plugin in InVesalius go the menu Plugins -> Open Plugins folder.

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