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Generating STL using threshold

Thiago Franco de Moraes edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 7 revisions

Go to File->Import DICOM...:


Select the dicom folder:

Select DICOM folder

InVesalius will show all the patients and its series found inside the selected folder. Select the patient you want:

Select patient

Then select the serie:

Select serie

Click on Import to import:

Click import

Then InVesalius will show the imported DICOM image in 3 orientations: Axial, Coronal and Sagital.

InVesalius GUI

To generate an surface mesh it is necessary to segment the image. The segmentation is done using a coloured mask. In the image above the mask is show as the green regions overlaid the DICOM image. By default InVesalius starts with a mask set to segment bones. In InVesalius there are a couple of segmentation tools. In this tutorial we will use thresholding. In the image bellow the thresholding tools is highlighted:

InVesalius thresholding

InVesalius has some thresholding presets (suitable to medical tomography):


After you select one of those thresholding presets the mask will change according to the thresholding values. The image bellow shows the mask set to muscle tissue (adult) preset:

muscle preset

You can also set a custom thresholding by enter the thresholding values or dragging the thresholding handles:

custom threshold

After the segmentation, click on the create surface to create a surface:

Create surface

InVesalius will create a surface. The surface will be show in the lower-right sub-window. The image bellow shows a surface created by setting the thresholding to Bone:

Bone surface

Now it is possible to export the generated surface to a STL file. To do that go to 4. Export data the click on Export 3D surface...:

Export STL

Then save to STL file:

Save STL

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