IGSB implementation of GestaltMatcher as described in https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.28.20248193v2. This repository is implemented by Institute for Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics (IGSB) at the University of Bonn. In this repository, we included three critical parts, face cropper, model training, and evaluation. Due to the legal and copyright issue, the original photos for training and metadata are hosted in GestaltMatcher Database (https://gestaltmatcher.gene-talk.de/) with controlled access. Please get in touch with us to access the data.
Please use python version 3.8, and the package listed in requirements.txt.
python3 -m venv env_gm
source env_gm/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you would like to train and evaluate with GPU, please remember to install cuda in your system. If you don't have GPU, please choose the CPU option in the following section.
Follow these instructions (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads ) to properly install CUDA.
Follow the necessary instructions (https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ ) to properly install PyTorch, you might still need additional dependencies (e.g. Numpy).
Using the following command should work for most using the conda
virtual env.
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
If any problems occur when installing the packages in requirements.txt
, the most important packages are:
The data should be stored in ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/
, it can be downloaded from http://gestaltmatcher.org on request. Please download the following two files from GMDB website:
- GMDB metadata
- GMDB_original_images_v1.tar.gz
cd ../data/GestaltMatcherDB
tar -xzvf GMDB_original_images_v1.tar.gz
mv GMDB_original_images_v1 images
tar -xzvf GMDB_metadata.tar.gz
mv GMDB_metadata/* .
Depending on which model you want to train, either images_cropped/
for the normal augmentations or images_rot/
for the extensive ones.
In order to get the correct images, you have to run the detect_pipe.py
from https://github.com/AlexanderHustinx/GestaltEngine-FaceCropper
More details are in the README of that repo. The face cropper requires the model "Resnet50_Final.pth".
Please remember to download the model from the repository mentioned above. If you don't have GPU, please use --cpu
to run on cpu mode.
FaceCropper command to get all crops from data directory (used with main.py when selecting 'gmdb' as dataset AND predict.py):
python detect_pipe.py --images_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images/ --save_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images_cropped/ --result_type crop
FaceCropper command to get all aligned faces and their coords from data directory (used with main.py when selecting 'gmdb_aug' as dataset):
python detect_pipe.py --images_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images/ --save_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images_rot/ --result_type coords
Do note that the crops are required to get the encodings with predict.py
The training of GestaltMatcher can be run on either 'gmdb' which uses basic augmentations on pre-cropped images, or 'gmdb_aug' which uses more extensive augmentations on the images. The latter reduces the models tendancy to overfit due to it creating more variation in the training data.
To reproduce our Gestalt Matcher model listed in the table by training from scratch, use:
python main.py --dataset gmdb_aug --seed 11 --session 2 --num_classes 139 --model-type DeepGestalt
In order to run them, the augementation in ./lib/augmentations
from https://github.com/AlexanderHustinx/LandmarkAugmentations have been used.
You may choose whatever seed and session you find useful.
--seed 11
was used to obtain these results, others have not been tested.
Using the argument --use_tensorboard
allows you to track your models training and validation curves over time.
Training a model without GPU has not been tested, and is not recommended.
The most recent trained CASIA model weights can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yexBX2a9ny0fGDhOydXEGS_Qy_k_Pzzc
The most recent trained DeepGestalt model weights (with extensive augmentations) can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SeHEvBqTYeb2uR65UT9Di5DmP1DEKb4B
The expected directory for the model weights is ./saved_models/
Please note that the CASIA model in this repository is the same as Enc-healthy in the GestaltMatcher paper.
With python predict.py
you will evaluate all images in --data_dir
By default, it will use the recent DeepGestalt model with a batch size of 1 on the GPU ("saved_models/s2_gmdb_adam_DeepGestalt_e310_ReLU_BN_bs280.pt").
It will load all images in the --data_dir
, which by default is set to ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images_cropped
When retraining a model with different parameters, make sure to check if the --num_classes
is the same.
The classes for GMDB model is 139 which is the default setting. The classes for CASIA model is 10575.
The face encodings with will be saved to encodings.csv
for DeepGestalt, and to healthy_encoding.csv
for FaceRecogNet.
For the machine without GPU, please use --no-cuda
The following two commands will generate encodings.csv (Enc-GMDB) and healthy_encodings.csv (Enc-CASIA).
# Encode images with GMDB model and output in encodings.csv
python predict.py --data_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images_cropped --no-cuda --model-type DeepGestalt
# Encode images with CAISA model and output in healthy_encodings.csv
python predict.py --data_dir ../data/GestaltMatcherDB/images_cropped --no-cuda --model-type FaceRecogNet --num_classes 10575
Using these encodings as input for evaluation will allow you to obtain the results listed in the table.
python evaluation.py
Load GMDB embeddings: 4306
Load CASIA embeddings: 4306
Test set |Model |Gallery |Test |Top-1|Top-5|Top-10|Top-30
GMDB-frequent|Softmax |- |360 |25.13|47.23|59.79 |77.26 |
GMDB-frequent|Enc-GMDB |3438 |360 |19.87|39.78|53.37 |74.29 |
GMDB-frequent|Enc-healthy|3438 |360 |16.86|35.52|44.18 |65.00 |
Test set |Model |Gallery |Test |Top-1|Top-5|Top-10|Top-30
GMDB-rare |Enc-GMDB |369.2 |138.8 |15.13|34.76|46.15 |68.51 |
GMDB-rare |Enc-healthy|369.2 |138.8 |12.18|29.03|40.36 |61.46 |
Test set |Model |Gallery |Test |Top-1|Top-5|Top-10|Top-30
GMDB-frequent|Enc-GMDB |3812 |360 |18.97|38.76|51.05 |69.83 |
GMDB-frequent|Enc-healthy|3812 |360 |15.18|34.72|42.53 |62.37 |
Test set |Model |Gallery |Test |Top-1|Top-5|Top-10|Top-30
GMDB-rare |Enc-GMDB |3807.2 |138.8 |8.28 |15.03|20.21 |34.51 |
GMDB-rare |Enc-healthy|3807.2 |138.8 |6.61 |13.33|16.60 |28.13 |
The tables below hold the results from the original paper, and the reproductions provided in this repo (Enc-healthy, Enc-GMDB, Enc-GMDB softmax).
For the GMDB-frequent test set, using GMDB-frequent gallery of 3428 images of 139 syndromes:
Model | Top-1 | Top-5 | Top-10 | Top-30 |
Enc-GMDB softmax ours |
29.98% 25.13% |
48.31% 47.23% |
66.30% 59.79% |
81.71% 77.26% |
Enc-GMDB ours |
21.86% 19.87% |
40.09% 39.78% |
53.59% 53.37% |
74.28% 74.29% |
Enc-healthy ours |
17.04% 16.86% |
33.26% 35.52% |
44.03% 44.18% |
63.46% 65.00% |
For the GMDB-rare test set, using GMDB-rare gallery of 369.2 images of 118 syndromes:
Model | Top-1 | Top-5 | Top-10 | Top-30 |
Enc-GMDB ours |
18.51% 15.13% |
37.50% 34.76% |
47.36% 46.15% |
71.93% 68.51% |
Enc-healthy ours |
14.85% 12.18% |
30.53% 29.03% |
40.43% 40.36% |
61.65% 61.46% |
For the GMDB-frequent test set, using GMDB-frequent gallery + GMDB-rare gallery:
Model | Top-1 | Top-5 | Top-10 | Top-30 |
Enc-GMDB ours |
20.98% 18.97% |
38.25% 38.76% |
51.05% 51.05% |
71.37% 69.83% |
Enc-healthy ours |
15.14% 15.18% |
31.14% 34.72% |
42.20% 42.53% |
62.48% 62.37% |
For the GMDB-frequent test set, using GMDB-frequent gallery + GMDB-rare gallery:
Model | Top-1 | Top-5 | Top-10 | Top-30 |
Enc-GMDB ours |
8.47% 8.28% |
18.33% 15.03% |
23.19% 20.21% |
37.62% 34.51% |
Enc-healthy ours |
7.10% 6.61% |
14.36% 13.33% |
19.34% 16.60% |
30.77% 28.13% |
Tzung-Chien Hsieh
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]