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Upload Preprocessing Service

This repo contains a docker container that will process VCF and BAM files to send to DBGap. The code relies on messages from SQS to know which files to process.

Local Dev

  1. Create a Virtual Environment with python3 -m venv venv
  2. Install necessary libraries with python3 -m pip install autopep8 boto3 lxml requests pylint pysam xmltodict

Running Tests

  1. Activate your Virtual Environment
  2. Run all tests with python -m unittest

Uploading docker images to Amazon ECR

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

docker build -t ups .

docker tag ups:latest

docker push

Uploading VCF Files to dbGaP

You will need to ensure that the spreadsheets have been uploaded prior to submitting VCF files.

  • Start by logging in to the NIH Submission Portal
  • Next create an Aspera upload request by clicking the button on step two as shown below image
  • Use the values provided to update the ups-prod entry in secrets manager
    • The ASPERA_SCP_FILEPASS value given on the NIH website should go into aspera-pass in secrets manager
    • The value from [email protected]:uploads/upload_requests/<SOME_VALUE>/ should go into aspera-location-code-vcf in secrets manager
  • Ensure you have 1 or more running ECS instances (see: Creating ECS Instances)
  • Ensure you have 1 or more running ECS tasks (see: Starting ECS Tasks)
  • Schedule the VCFs files using the job on the Export Tasks page in Super Admin
  • While the files are being processed you can monitor the queue (see: Viewing the UPS SQS Queue) and view the logs (see: Viewing the UPS Logs) to track progress
  • Once all VCF files have been uploaded return to the NIH site and check to ensure the archive files are listed. There will be a Click here to view link nested in where you retrieved the Aspera information. Click there and make sure all archive files you expect to see are listed as uploaded. image
  • When all files are present you must choose Molecular Data from the dropdown below the Complete button (it will look like it isn't part of the flow but it is). Then click the Complete button. This will gray over the screen and process the files. Wait for that to complete.
  • Once that is done you will be able to see your VCF archive files at the bottom of the file list and be able to click the Submit button and only then are the VCFs complete. Note: When you created your request you were given a deadline. Be sure you can upload all VCFs and click the Complete and Submit buttons prior to that date or you will need to start over.
  • Clicking submit will take you to a screen that shows you the files that were submitted for one final check. image

Uploading BAM Files to dbGaP

You will need to ensure the spreadsheets have been QA'd and approved prior to submitting BAM files.

  • Since you have already uploaded VCFs, the settings should be all set, just ensure your UPS tasks are running as they may have been spun down
  • Schedule the BAM files using the job on the Export Tasks page in Super Admin
  • While the files are being processed you can monitor the queue (see: Viewing the UPS SQS Queue) and view the logs (see: Viewing the UPS Logs) to track progress

Creating ECS Instances

Starting ECS Tasks

  • Go to the UPS-Prod clister in the AWS ECS console and click Run new Task. image
  • Choose EC2 as your Launch type.
  • Choose the UPS-PROD-task_family as your Task Definition - Family
  • Choose the number of tasks to match the number of instances you have. Typically 2 or 3 instances/tasks should be sufficient for a dbGaP run of a couple hundred files.
  • Type UPS-PROD as your Task Group
  • Hit Run Task to kick off the tasks, you will then see the tasks listed under Tasks tab

Viewing the UPS SQS Queue

  • TODO

Viewing the UPS Logs

  • TODO

Local Testing

If in testing mode, you can fire messages off to SQS to have the UPS docker process a real production file and save it in S3 for inspection.

You'll want to create a virtualenv that has boto3 installed. Then run the following:

workon upload-preprocessing-service-docker


import boto3

sqs = boto3.resource(service_name='sqs', region_name='us-east-1', endpoint_url='[GET THE SQS URL]')

queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName='upload-preprocessing')

Now replace the key parts below and then paste in your terminal to send:

'UDN_ID': {'StringValue': '[UDN ID]',
'DataType': 'String'},
'sample_id': {'StringValue': '[guid of the sample]',
'DataType': 'String'},
'FileBucket': {'StringValue': 'udnarchive',
'DataType': 'String'},
'FileKey': {'StringValue': '[exportfile.file_url]',
'DataType': 'String'},
'file_service_uuid': {'StringValue': '[exportfile.file_uuid]',
'DataType': 'String'},
'file_type': {'StringValue': '[VCF or BAM]',
'DataType': 'String'},
'md5': {'StringValue': ' ',
'DataType': 'String'}

Helpful queries to get the above:

from dbgap.models import ExportFile

from patient.models import Sequence

from patient.models import SequenceCoreAlias

file = ExportFile.objects.get(filename='filename.vcf')

sequence = Sequence.objects.filter(patient__simpleid=file.exportlog.patient.simpleid)

And get the values by:

UDN_ID = file.exportlog.patient.simpleid

sample_id = sequence.first().sampleid

FileKey = '/'.join(file.file_url.split('/')[3:5])

file_service_uuid = file.file_uuid

Give the EC2 instance some time to process the file and then look for it in the S3 under udn-files-test/ups-testing. You can monitor the ECS task's logs to see what it is doing.


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