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Validation Callback

Ghislain B edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 6 revisions

Since version 1.4.14

Validation Callback are useful when you want to run extra piece of code but only after the Validation is over.

Oh but wait a minute...

  • But why do we need that?
  • Shouldn't the Validation be super fast anyway?

The answer is yes but no. The validation when it runs is indeed super fast but the problem is that Angular-Validation has a debounce of 1 sec by default. The debounce basically waits for the user inactivity before doing any kind of validation. So the validation-callback will help dealing with this problem.

Internally the validation-callback is connected to a promise, it basically resolves whenever the validation is finished.


<!-- defining the callback function call by using `validation-callback` -->
<input type="text" class="form-control"
            validation-callback="vm.myCallbackFunction()" />
myApp.controller('ctrlDirective', [function () {
 var vm = this;

 vm.myCallbackFunction = function() {
    var isFormValid = vm.form1.$valid;
    if(isFormValid) {
        vm.fullName = vm.firstName + ' ' + vm.lastName;

For a complete test case example, you could also look at my code sample in the folder more-examples/validationCallback

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