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Ghislain B edited this page Jan 19, 2017 · 4 revisions

version 1.5.15+

In some cases, you might to know if the error message is shown or not and depending on that do other things. Thanks to the user @Gusi you can now do it in a simple way. A new flag isErrorMessageVisible was created for that usage, see below for a use case.

Use Case

(function() {   
   var bootstrapValidationDecorator = function() {
       return {
           scope: {
           restrict: 'A',
           require:  '^form',
           link: function (scope, el, attrs, formCtrl) {
               scope.form = formCtrl; // no template so no need for that for now

               if(scope.bootstrapValidationDecorator!=undefined && scope.bootstrapValidationDecorator!="") {
                   scope.fieldName = scope.bootstrapValidationDecorator;
               } else {                    
                   scope.fieldName = angular.element( el[0].querySelector("[name]") ).attr('name');

                   function(scope) {
                       return scope.form[scope.fieldName].isErrorMessageVisible; // NEW
                   function( newVal, oldVal ) {
                       if(newVal != oldVal){
                           el.toggleClass('has-error', newVal === true); // NEW
   angular.module('app').directive('bootstrapValidationDecorator', bootstrapValidationDecorator);

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