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Remote Validation (AJAX)

Ghislain B. edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 45 revisions

Since version 1.3.25+

For a Remote Validation to work, it is expected that a declared function in your Controller will return a Promise in all cases. There is 2 ways of resolving a result, but the 2nd option is preferable, see them below.

// define a function in your Controller which return a Promise
$scope.customRemoteValidationCall = function() {
    var deferred = $q.defer();

    // you would probably use an $http or any other AJAX service to talk to your server
    $http.get('/someUrl').success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        deferred.resolve({ isValid: data.isValid, message: 'Returned error from promise.'});

    // For example purpose
    // we simulate a server delay by using a simple setTimeout
    setTimeout(function() {
      // for simple test, let's just make sure user typed "abc"
      var isValid = ($scope.input1 === "abc") ? true : false;

      // you can return a boolean for isValid

      // or you can return an object as { isValid: bool, message: msg }
      // this is to my opinion the best option to use
      deferred.resolve({ isValid: isValid, message: 'Returned error from promise.'});
    }, 1000);

    return deferred.promise;

Then calling it inside the DOM with the Directive would be as easy as declaring another Validator inside your validation declaration (see below). For the error message display, it's preferable to deal with it directly inside your defined function (as we just saw on top) and resolve the promise with an object that will include your error message, for example: deferred.resolve({ isValid: false, message: 'Server error message.'}); You could also use the alternate text but I would suggest not to and instead use the error message in the resolve. Please note that resolving the error message from the server will only show after the promise is finished (or should we say resolved), while on the other hand if you decide to use the alt=, this message would instead show right away (without waiting for server response).


<!-- defining the remote function call by using `remote:` -->
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="input1" ng-model="input1" 
    validation="remote:customRemoteValidationCall|required" />

<!-- using alternate text but is probably not suggested -->
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="input1" ng-model="input1" 
    validation="remote:customRemoteValidationCall:alt=Remote error|required" />

<!-- You can combine that with other validators as well -->
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="input1" ng-model="input1" 
    validation="alpha|min_len:2|remote:customRemoteValidationCall|required" />

####Service Same thing but your validator rules are defined in the controller

  // start by creating the service
  var myValidation = new validationService();

    elmName: 'input1',
    scope: $scope,
    rules: 'remote:customRemoteValidationCall|required'

  // or combine it with multiple validators
    elmName: 'input1',
    scope: $scope,
    rules: 'alpha|min_len:2|remote:customRemoteValidationCall|required'

####Loading... Advise user while processing... It's up to your taste on what to use but I would personally use the error message returned from the server and at same time use the ng-if ... form1.input1.$processing to advise the user that something is happening and is taking some time to process. You could also add a loading logo or text while doing this process, the nomenclature is: yourFormName.yourElementName.$processing

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="input1" ng-model="input1" 
    validation="remote:customRemoteValidationCall|required" />
<div ng-if="form1.input1.$processing">
     Validating from Server....

or add a Bootstrap progress bar

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="input1" ng-model="input1" 
    validation="remote:customRemoteValidationCall|required" />
<div ng-if="form1.input1.$processing" class="progress">
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped active" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="45" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 100%">

or even better, make a CSS3 animation as shown on this StackOverflow answer

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