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Christophe Delaere edited this page Nov 13, 2015 · 1 revision

List and meaning of the branches stored in the analysis TTree:

Branch name Content
nMuons Number of muons
MuonsPt Transverse momentum of muons
MuonsEta Pseudorapidity of muons
MuonsPhi Azimuthal angle of muons
MuonIsolation Relative isolation of muons
nElectrons Number of electrons
ElectronsPt Transverse momentum of electrons
ElectronsEta Pseudorapidity of electrons
ElectronsPhi Azimuthal angle of electrons
ElectronIsolation Relative isolation of electrons
nJets Number of jets
JetsPt Transverse momentum of jets
JetsEta Pseudorapidity of jets
JetsPhi Azimutal angle of jets
MET_pt Missing transverse momentum
MET_phi Azimuthal angle of the missing transverse momentum
MET_eta Pseudorapidity of the missing momentum (MC only, should not be used)
invMass Invariant mass of lepton pairs
transvMass Transverse mass built of the leading lepton + MET
dileptonPt Transverse momentum of the dilepton pair
dileptonEta pseudorapidity of the dilepton pair
dileptonPhi azimuthal angle of the dilepton pair
dileptondeltaR distance in eta-phi between the two leading leptons
dileptondeltaPhi distance in phi between the two leading leptons
Wcharge charge of the leading lepton