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Daniel Stenberg edited this page May 9, 2021 · 30 revisions

curl up 2021 - online-only

curl up 2021 happens on over video-meeting.


what: curl-up 2021

when: Sunday May 9, 2021 at 11:00 UTC - follow link for times in other time zones

price: Free

code of conduct: Code of conduct. No surprises.

who: Anyone interested in curl, libcurl and related technologies.

  • internet application protocol fanatics (eg. HTTP/3)
  • curl hackers and developers
  • libcurl binding hackers
  • libcurl users
  • curl fans
  • hackers of similar tools or related technologies

How to register

No need to register. Anyone can and is encouraged to show up. Meeting link will be provided on this page shortly before the event starts.

The meetup

Entirely digital. We view recorded talks ahead of time, then we join up and discuss the talks and related topics over video.

We will use Zoom for the meeting. Get a client installed and setup ahead of time. This page will have all the meeting details provided before the meeting starts. Come back here for them.

If possible, please join using your real name so other participants can see who you are. Please mute yourself when not speaking. Please have the webcamera switched on at least if/when you speak.

The 2021 curl up meeting is over. Thanks everyone!


The meeting will be recorded, so that at least portions of it can be made available after the fact to interested people.


Here's a google docs for anyone to edit.

curl up 2021 program


Unless we're too many, let's try to introduce ourselves to the rest of the people so that we know who we are!

The state of curl 2021

The presentation - Daniel Stenberg

Discussion points:

  • TODO - what do you think we should take on next in the project?
  • Contributor merchandise - should we? for whom? what should it be? who wants to help?
  • Can do improve the flaky CI situation?
  • How can we identify build combos missing in the CI set?
  • Thoughts on the annual user survey for 2021?
  • Version 8?
  • Nobody uses experimental features. Can/should we provide pre-built experimental binaries to better allow users to try out early features better ?

curl security 2021

The presentation - Daniel Stenberg

Discussion points:

  • What can we do to improve our code further
  • How can we test curl even better for security purposes
  • Can we get more interest in being an active member of the curl security team?

libcurl under the hood

The presentation - Daniel Stenberg

  • Which are the most opaque details of the internals that need better documentation?
  • What are the "bottlenecks" in the current architecture to use libcurl going forward?

interfacing rust

Experiences from the ongoing mod_tls project.

The presentation - Stefan Eissing

  • Can we enhance curl in any way to make it even better/easier to interface rust (-like) modules?
  • Can we identify other/new parts of libcurl that could benefit from being replaced by a rust coded module?

Curl performance (er ... application profiling)

The presentation - Jim Fuller

  • How well does curl/libcurl perform really?
  • Benchmark / high-performance competition?
  • Can we do performance testing in the CI/regular runs?

Commercial curl

(Daniel Stenberg)

  • If there's time and someone is interested, I could do my short presentation live. I didn't get time to record it ahead of time.

Open Q&A

  • Anything

Closing up