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Daniel Stenberg edited this page Dec 6, 2019 · 17 revisions

Ideas for talks and sessions for curl up 2020. Ideally with names next to them!

Performance tests (discussion)

It would be very useful to get regular performance tests going to catch regressions or any general degradation.

How can we do this? What should we test? How? What other projects do this that we can draw experiences and/or tools and ideas from?


Test logs and analyzes (discussion)

If we would gather all logs from all tests from merged code, we could start analyzing which tests that fail and how often and thereby detect flaky tests using statistics.

We could also then start actually running (but ignoring the results of) flaky tests, so also detect if previously detected and marked flaky tests become more stable or otherwise change "pattern".


Do we need a "core-team" (discussion)

With sponsor money coming in and getting spent, the primary arbiter of deciding this is Daniel. Maybe it would be better to get a team together so that we could discuss and decide on these matters with a few more brains and viewpoints involved?

It might also feel safer for sponsors and contributors to know that we're not at the whims of a singular individual.

Who would become members of such a team? How would we decide who? What tasks should the core-team deal with?


Sponsorships (discussion)

We have several sponsors in several levels in the project and money is coming in. We're spending funds on the bug bounty, funding attendees to curl up and so on. What more can we do to keep sponsors happy (and attract new ones) and identify targets to spend funds on that improves and furthers the project?


the Bug Bounty, a year in

A report from the security-team on how the Bug Bounty has fared, what we've learned and anything else relevant around curl security.

(maybe Daniel)

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