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Kissmda release 2.0.0

Dr. Jawa edited this page Jan 14, 2014 · 15 revisions

(1) Extension Mechanism with Event, Event Bus and Listener: we added extension mechanism. With this you can do following things:

  • Define your Event.
  • Publish your Event through Event Bus. Here is an example how to inject your EventBus and publish your defined event PrimitiveTypeCodesCreatedEvent:

  • Subscribe and react to the Event with Listener. Example can be found here: Here is the code snippet:

(2) With the extension mechanism we implemented an import statements optimizer. Now the generated codes don't use fully qualified name, instead they use optimized import statements.

(3) Now we can configure the Cartridges and Extensions in some order. Remember to register the event listeners first (subscribe) before you register the publisher.

(4) We did some bug fixes and enhancements for KissMDA Simple Java Cartridge (see the closed issues below).

(5) All closed issues for 2.0.0