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Introduction App Developers

Dr. Jawa edited this page May 20, 2014 · 112 revisions

You are an Application Developer if...

  • You develop your Java application and want to use the power of Model Driven Software Development with UML2.
  • You are using the KissMDA cartridges available which are build by one or many cartrige developers.

What are your steps to create an application powered by KissMDA?

  • You create a Maven project based on KissMDA App Maven archetype: kissmda-maven-app-archetype.
  • You configure the KissMDA Maven plugin to use one or many of the available cartridges.
  • You model your application with your chosen UML2 tool, like MagicDraw or just plain Eclipse.
  • You generate with Maven some of generated sources under target/generated-sources and extend all the codes with your own codes.
  • That's it.
  • Don't forget to unit test and integration test your codes.
  • Important to remember:
    • Your UML model is your source code, so handle it with care!
    • Your UML model is the first class citizen in your project, so use execellent tools to work with them!
    • Never commit generated codes and files into your versioning system! Only commit the real source codes!

Do we have an example of an application which powered by KissMDA?

Simple Application "kissmda-app-test" using "kissmda-cartridges-simple-java"

The simple application "kissmda-app-test" consists of just Entity, Service and Exception classes:

From these classes we just want to generate the Java interfaces. What should we do? Let's take a fast look at our Seven Steps to Heaven!

(1) We need a Maven project

Yes, this is the first step we need to make and here is an example Maven project: kissmda-app-test. To create a new Maven app project we can use the Maven archetype: kissmda-maven-app-archetype.

(2) We need one or more KissMDA cartridges to generate artifacts from the UML model

We choose to use the cartridge kissmda-cartridges-simple-java, which just generates the Java interfaces out of the Entity classes.

  • In our pom.xml we need to add kissmda-maven-plugin which takes the UML model and use the given cartridge and generate the source codes. Here is the pom.xml.
  • We also need the build-helper-maven-plugin which takes the target directory (target/generated-sources/java) and add it into the compiler source directory, so that we can compile the generated classes.

(3) We need an UML model

As we see above, the class diagram is just very simple.

  • We use MagicDraw to create our UML model. Here is the location of the model file: test-uml.mdzip
  • We need to export the MagicDraw model into EMF UML2 file in this directory: emf. This is the file which will be read by the cartridge: test-uml.uml
  • We need to know how to mark our model with Stereotypes and Tagged Values. In our example just take a look at this file: Readme of kissmda-cartridges-simple-java.

(4) We generate from the UML model to our first Java interfaces

  • Just use mvn generate-sources to generate the codes.
  • Don't forget this: never ever put the generated files into the versioning system (Git, SVN)!
  • In Maven we have "target" directory. Our generated Java source codes can be found in this standard Maven directory: target/generated-sources/java.
  • We generate all the UML documentations to each class, property and method as Javadoc elements. For sake of clarity we don't show the Javadocs in the files generated below.
  • We also optimize the import statements (please see: kissmda-extensions-import-packer). We omit the import statements in the example below for clarity.
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the Person Entity:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public interface Person {
      Integer calculateAge();
      Date[] run(byte[] content);
      void changeLastAddress(Address address, Boolean isLastOne);
      Collection<Company> calculateOldCompanies();
      String getName();
      void setName(String name);
      Collection<Address> getAddresses();
      void addAddress(Address address);
      Company getCompany();
      void setCompany(Company company);
      Set<Address> getNewAddresses();
      void addNewAddress(Address newAddress);
      String getNickname();
      Collection<Company> getHiddenCompanies();
      Boolean isInRetirement();
      Collection<Company> getOldCompanies();
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the Address Entity:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public interface Address {
      Address getOldAddress();
      Collection getOldAddresses();
      Collection<String> getNewAddresses();
      String getStreet();
      void setStreet(String street);
      Person getPerson();
      void setPerson(Person person);
      AddressType getAddressType();
      void setAddressType(AddressType addressType);
      SortedSet<Person> getNewPersons();
      void addNewPerson(Person newPerson);
      boolean isOld();
      void setOld(boolean old);
      AddressSimpleType getAddressSimpleType();
      void setAddressSimpleType(AddressSimpleType addressSimpleType);
      AddressComplexType getAddressComplexType();
      void setAddressComplexType(AddressComplexType addressComplexType);
  • Here is our generated Java Enumeration for the AddressSimpleType Enumeration:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public enum AddressSimpleType {
  • Here is our generated Java Enumeration for the AddressType Enumeration:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public enum AddressType {
      HOME(1), OFFICE(2);
      Integer type;
      private AddressType(Integer type) {
        this.type = type;
      public Integer getType() {
        return type;
  • Here is our generated Java Enumeration for the AddressComplexType Enumeration:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public enum AddressComplexType {
      HOME(1, "Aloha", "Lofi"), OFFICE(2, "no comment", "KissMDA");
      Integer type;
      String comment;
      String name;
      private AddressComplexType(Integer type, String comment, String name) {
        this.type = type;
        this.comment = comment; = name;
      public Integer getType() {
        return type;
      public String getComment() {
        return comment;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the AddressService Service:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public interface AddressService {
      void createAddressFromPerson(Address address, Person person)
        throws CreateAddressException, CreatePersonException;
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the PrivateAddressService Service:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public interface PrivateAddressService extends AddressService {
      void createPrivateAddressFromPerson(Address privateAddress, Person person);
      Company getPrivateCompanyByPerson(Person person,
        PrivateCompany privateCompany) throws FinderException;
      Collection<Company> getCompanies(
        SortedSet<CompanyAttribute<String, Integer>> companyAttributes);

  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the Company Entity:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.components;
    public interface Company {
      <T> void defineCompany(Collection<T> owners, T owner);
      Collection<Company> calculateCompanies(Collection<Company> companies,
        Collection<Person> persons);
      String getName();
      void setName(String name);
      double getValue();
      void setValue(double value);
      Date getCreated();
      void setCreated(Date created);
      CompanyAttribute<String, Integer> getCompanyAttribute();
      void setCompanyAttribute(CompanyAttribute<String, Integer> companyAttribute);
      Person getVirtualPerson();
      Collection<Person> getOldPersons();
      void setOldPersons(Collection<Person> oldPersons);
      HeadquarterOffice getHeadquarterOffice();
      void setHeadquarterOffice(HeadquarterOffice headquarterOffice);
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the PrivateCompany Entity:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public interface PrivateCompany extends Company {
      Integer calculateRevenue();
      SortedSet<CompanyAttribute<String, Integer>> calculateCompanies(
        Collection<CompanyAttribute> companyAttributes,
        Set<CompanyAttribute<String, Integer>> companyCompleteAttributes);
      String getOwner();
      void setOwner(String owner);
      Collection<Company> getCompanies();
      void addCompany(Company company);
      SortedSet<CompanyAttribute<String, Integer>> getCompanyAttributes();
      void addCompanyAttribute(CompanyAttribute<String, Integer> companyAttribute);
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the HeadquarterOffice Entity:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp;
    public interface HeadquarterOffice {
      Collection<Company> getCompanies();
      void addCompany(Company company);
      String getName();
      void setName(String name);
  • Here is our generated Java Interface code for the CompanyAttribute Entity:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.components;
    public interface CompanyAttribute<T, E> {
      void add(T element1, E element2);
      String getName();
      void setName(String name);
  • Here are our generated Exception Classes code for CreateException, CreateAddressException, CreatePersonException and FinderException:
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.exceptions;
    public class CreateException extends Exception {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      public CreateException() {
      public CreateException(Throwable cause) {
      public CreateException(String message) {
      public CreateException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);

    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.exceptions;
    public class CreateAddressException extends de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.exceptions.CreateException {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      public CreateAddressException() {
      public CreateAddressException(Throwable cause) {
      public CreateAddressException(String message) {
      public CreateAddressException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.exceptions;
    public class CreatePersonException extends de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.exceptions.CreateException {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      public CreatePersonException() {
      public CreatePersonException(Throwable cause) {
      public CreatePersonException(String message) {
      public CreatePersonException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);
    package de.crowdcode.kissmda.testapp.exceptions;
    public class FinderException extends RuntimeException {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      public FinderException() {
      public FinderException(Throwable cause) {
      public FinderException(String message) {
      public FinderException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);

(5) We need to write the first Java implementations of the interfaces

  • Write the Java classes which implement the generated interfaces, just like this.

(6) We should write the JUnit test classes

  • Don't forget to write the test, just like this

(7) Enjoy your coffee and the nice documentation which is always up-to-date!

Yes, this is the reality: you always have up-to-date documentation on a very high level and your generated codes look beautiful!. This means you will have a very good overview about your application at any time!