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Terskikh Maria edited this page Sep 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

Команда chkit --help или chkit -h показывает список всех команд и их краткое описание.

Синтаксис команды

$ chkit —h

Примечание: команда вызывается без аргументов.


$ chkit get -h 
chkit [flags]
chkit [command]

Available Commands:
config          Configure chkit default values
create          Create object using JSON file
delete          Remove object from namespace
expose          Create Service and set output port list
genautocomplete Generate bash autocompletion parameters
get             Show info about pod(s), service(s), namespace(s), deployment(s)
help            Help about any command
login           Open session and set up token
logout          Close session and remove token
restart         Restart pods by deploy name
run             Run deployment NAME and generate json file
set             Change one of parameters in Deployment
version         Print the version number of chkit

-d, --debug   turn on debugging messages
-h, --help    help for chkit

Use "chkit [command] --help" for more information about a command.
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