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Installing Containerum CLI from binaries

Terskikh Maria edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

You can download binaries for MacOs, Ubuntu x32, Ubuntu x64, Windows x32 and Windows x64. Extract the file to any directory.

for Ubuntu and MacOs:

$ tar -xvf your_archive.tar -C /path/to/destination/dir/

Run the client from /path/to/destination/dir/:

$ ./chkit

Note:  to run the client on Ubuntu from any directory, link it to one of the directories set in $PATH:

$ echo $PATH

to run the client on MacOs from any directory, set the path to chkit in .bash_profile and update environment variables with source command.


For Ubuntu and MacOs:

Copy the path to chkit


where containerum – user name

and make changes to .bash_profile (for MacOs) or to .bashrc (for Ubuntu)

export PATH="/Users/containerum/Downloads:${PATH}"

update environment variables for MacOs:

$ source .bash_profile

or for Ubuntu:

$ source .bashrc

Now you can run the client with a simple command from any directory:

$ chkit
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