Releases: bnoazx005/TinyECS
Releases · bnoazx005/TinyECS
Release TinyECS-v0.4.15 Added - New integration tests were added for TinyECSUnityIntegration library - Integration tests of TinyECSUnityIntegration library was added for Unity tests runner - The API of **IWorldContext** was extended with new public methods **GetSingleEntityWithAll** and **GetSingleEntityWithAny** - A new method IWorldContext.GetUniqueEntity was added. Changed - Now disposable entities can live for extra frames using a new builtin component **TEntityLifetimeComponent** - Two new types which are **EntityId** and **SystemId** were introduced as strongly typed versions of identifiers. Fixed - Issue #31 : **DependencyInjector** throws **NullReferenceException** when **DependencyInjector.Init** is called before **WorldContext**'s instance is created - Issue #30 : DependencyInjector class doesn't work correctly for nested views - Issue #29: If you try to create a new entity no matter disposable or not the application is freezed - Issue #27 : **RegisterViewSystem** initializes its views for a few times - Issue #26 : **WorldContext.GetSingleEntityWithAll** and **WorldContext.GetSingleEntityWithAny** return null in some cases - Issue #25 : **ComponentManager.AddComponent** throws **ComponentAlreadyExistsException** for entity which even has no component of this type - Issue #24 : **BaseView.mLinkedEntityId** has invalid value when RegisterSubscription is invoked for **BaseStaticView**'s instances
Fix #22 issue
Release TinyECS-v0.4.0 [0.4.0] - 2020-07-25 Added - An extension method **CreateAndGetEntity** for **IWorldContext** was added. The main goal for that is to simplify entity creation. - A new concept of unique components was introduced. Now if a user implements his/her component from **IUniqueComponent** then the only instance of this one will exists in the world context. - Add a new type which is **SystemsPackage** that allows to unite a bunch of related systems together. Changed - Now **DependencyInjector** supports initialization of multiple BaseView components per single GameObject, Issue #20 - Now all **reactive** systems accept all entities that are created despite execution order Fixed - Exceptions handling within EventManager.Notify method was redesigned. - Fixed an issue #19 "Intercommunicating reactive systems don't receive all messages of the frame" - Fixed an issue #17 "An entity that was created using previously deteled one has its components" - Fixed an issue #17 - Increased robustness of the framework
Fix #17 issue
Fix broken CI pipeline
Release TinyECS 0.3.0 [Fix appveyor.yml] Changes: * A components iterator that provides easy way of enumerating over all components that some entity has * Add custom debug inspectors for WorldContextsManager, EntityObserver and SystemManagerObserver types * Implement ToString() method for Entity type * Add template project for Unity3D and corresponding tutorial sample, which demonstrates how to integrate TinyECS into Unity3D * Fixed an issue "Created with GameObjectFactory entities don't have TViewComponent attached to them" #11 * Fixed an issue "Reactive systems don't response on to events that are generated with IUpdateSystem implementations" #6 * Now all reactive systems are executed after all IUpdateSystems
Release TinyECS-v0.2.21 Changes: * A components iterators were added. * Now you can register single system's reference in different roles, e.g. as init system and update system at the same type. * An initial steps in implementation of debug inspectors for Unity were made.
Implement ToString methods for Entity Changes: * An overriden version of ToString was implemented for Entity class.
Replace Changes: * The issue template was replaced into .github/ directory.
Refactor EventManager.Notify method Changes: * foreach loop within EventManager.Notify was replaced with its for version.