Releases: bcgsc/pori_ipr_api
Releases · bcgsc/pori_ipr_api
Release v8.1.1
Release Notes - IPR - Version API v8.1.1
- [DEVSU-2578] - Somatic variant from TGR appearing in the germline pharmacogenomic section of genomic report
- [DEVSU-2584] - POG 2016 genomic report images blurry
Release Notes - IPR - Version API v8.1.0
- [DEVSU-2442] - can't add to project with all-projects-access: User does not have permission to add other users to this group
- [DEVSU-2496] - error when creating variant-text with specific cancer type
- [DEVSU-2524] - Evidence levels information from graphkb re-ordering
- [DEVSU-2567] - Return kbMatches with Signature Variants records
New Feature
- [DEVSU-2423] - search reports by kbmatch
- [DEVSU-2159] - support starting with fresh db in new ipr instances
- [DEVSU-2446] - create table to track sent notifications
- [DEVSU-2447] - make signature settings configurable per report type
- [DEVSU-2521] - add post endpoint for genes
- [DEVSU-2569] - Add signature variants routes to swagger
- [DEVSU-2282] - update client to get images from api in a non-gsc-specific way
- [DEVSU-2400] - remove 'owner' from groups table
- [DEVSU-2425] - when ipr user is created, also create a graphkb readonly user
- [DEVSU-2449] - add updates to notifications table when notifications are created/completed
New features:
- DEVSU-834: Add notifications when a user is bound to a report role
- DEVSU-2220: Add queue to ipr-api
- DEVSU-1400: Auto emails when a new report is loaded in IPR
- DEVSU-2250: Reports async loader
- DEVSU-2283: Add endpoint to get list of image keys for a report
- DEVSU-2281: Add signature history endpoint
- DEVSU-2273: Add endpoints for appendix text
- DEVSU-2335: Move info in 'sampleInfo' report field to own table
- DEVSU-2336: Add frontend for setting/displaying variant text
- DEVSU-2327: Add endpoint to do report search by variant
- DEVSU-2324: Add table to store variant-specific canned text
- DEVSU-2312: Add delete/create for appendix text
- DEVSU-2139: Use flexible image sizes
- DEVSU-2386: Implement fuzzy matching
- DEVSU-2164: Add field for link to old reports in filesystem
- DEVSU-2261: Add New Version to Pathway Analysis Legend in API
- DEVSU-2099: Update potential therapeutic targets table to include signature
- DEVSU-2285: Update api endpts to allow use by users with manager access
- DEVSU-2286: Add "primary_project_id" column to report table
- DEVSU-2304: Add user-group descriptions
- DEVSU-2354: Add reports-async to swagger
- DEVSU-2317: Add report signatures to get reports output
- DEVSU-2320: Load image dimensions and category at report load time
- DEVSU-2311: Add handling of other permissions
- DEVSU-2139: Use flexible image sizes
- DEVSU-2359: Update cancer-type to array and remove gkbid fields from variant-text
- DEVSU-2383: Add appendix edit access
- DEVSU-2364: Enable queue on staging
- DEVSU-2388: Permission migration
- DEVSU-2331: Enable queue on prod
- DEVSU-2307: Non-admins should not be able to see list of reports for other projects
- DEVSU-2170: Can't change report project
- DEVSU-2356: Don't allow duplicate variant/cancer-type/project/template variant text records to be created
- DEVSU-2318: Set default allowNotifications value to false
- DEVSU-2325: Underline Not Working in Appendix Text
- DEVSU-2380: Fix double manager bug
- DEVSU-2373: Report Async Fix
- DEVSU-2404: Allow people with report assignment access to see users
- DEVSU-2403: Fix user not able to delete own report
- DEVSU-2220: Add basic redis queue
- DEVSU-2232: Add hrdetect field to report table
- DEVSU-2236: Add Selected Field to Somatic Variants
- DEVSU-2245: Add percentileHidden field in ImmuneCellTypes to hide CD8T Percentile in summary
- DEVSU-2219: Move last-login from user table to usermetadata
- DEVSU-2241: Add pedsScore and pedsScoreComment to the Immune Cell Types table
- DEVSU-2211: Add POST endpoint to immune cell types
- DEVSU-2195: Fix POST TMBur endpoint
- DEVSU-2189: Remove inferred column from kbMatches
- DEVSU-2208: Allow mutationBurden.role to be not unique and null
- DEVSU-2205: Fix unhandled exception on bound user check
- DEVSU-2159: Support starting with fresh db in new ipr instances
- DEVSU-2178: Add appendix to reports table
- DEVSU-2134: Add clinician_view on api
- DEVSU-2180: Change report status to ready when signatures are removed
- DEVSU-2143: Update cancerGene to cancerGeneListMatch and cancerRelated to kbStatementRelated
- DEVSU-2149: Update archived handling
- DEVSU-1944: Update permissions on germline Endpoint
- DEVSU-1999: Update swagger docs forproject/<project_id>/report
- DEVSU-2129: Create role that restricts access to unreviewed reports
- DEVSU-2136: Use cancerGene on rapidReport table 3
- DEVSU-2131: Fix rapid report filter resistance/sensitivity bugs
- DEVSU-2049: Add route and improvements to graphkb endpoints
- DEVSU-2090: Ajust resistance/sensitivity handling in rapid report
- DEVSU-2128: Add lastLoginAt field to users
- DEVSU-2038: Create cancerGene column