Install to: ~/.dotfiles
and edit install
file and change the path.
git clone --recursive ~/.dotfiles
- cd ~/.dotfiles
- To install/update the config files, run:
- git submodule foreach git pull origin master or run
To enable/disable modules edit install
file. Also if you want you can set the path=
variable in Zsh/zshrc
- xorg-setxkbmap -> Keyboard language management
- xorg-xrandr -> Multi monitor management
- ttf-fira-code -> Main font
- ttf-font-awesome -> Icon font
- zsh -> Shell
- i3-gaps -> Window manager
- i3blocks -> Status bar
- vim/neovim -> Text editor
- nautilus -> File manager
- qdmenu -> App launcher
- alacritty -> Terminal
- pipewire -> Audio
- mpv -> Media Player
- maim -> Screenshots ... bunch of gnome apps
- libqalculate -> Calculator support, used as an alias in the shell with "?"
- nvm -> Node version manager
pacman -S neovim neovim-symlinks zsh i3-wm i3-gnome i3blocks nautilus mpv alacritty gnome-calendar gnome-clocks gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-disk-utility gnome-flashback gnome-keyring gnome-logs gnome-screenshot gnome-shell gnome-usage gnome-user-share firefox gdm file-roller nautilus xorg-xrandr xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xhost xorg-xprop ttf-fira-code exa bat zoxide ripgrep fzf entr bottom maim
yay -S qdmenu