- Make sure discard is among the options in /etc/fstab for SSD
- Configure the noop scheduler for non-rotational storage
- Make it permanent with tmpfiles
- Configure makepkg flags
- See example from kionia
- Install yay
- Either from the source code (requires Go compiler) (yayAUR)
- Or prebuilt (yay-binAUR)
- Consider setting a custom build directory: yay --save --builddir=/tmp -Syu
- Install GNOME with the dependencies (like xorg)
- Install xf86-video-intel or another appropriate
- Test gdm starting, enable it permanently sudo systemctl enable gdm.service
- Install chromium with bunch of suggested TTF fonts
- Install gnome-tweaks
- Configure desired behaviour of the touchpad
- Configure theme (dark, light)
- Configure font rendering (subpixel)
- Install powertop
- Tune the power consumption
- Install networkmanager, nm-connection-editor
- Install systemd-swap
- Configure the swap
- Install openssh
- Install pacman-contrib
- Add pacman hooks to clear the cache after upgrades: paccache-*
- Limit journald size
- See 00-journal-size.conf
- Install and enable earlyoom from earlyoomAUR
- Configure tinc, add to one of my networks
- Configure Hardware video acceleration
- Install libva, libva-utils, libva-intel-driver
- Add the user to the group video
- Test vainfo
- Install pavucontrol
- Configure multimedia keys