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Working with SCC (Interactive, Jupyter and VS Code)

Shantanu Ghosh edited this page Aug 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

Interactive Jobs

Single GPU

qrsh -P batmanlab -l h_rt=13:00:00 -pe omp 8 -l mem_per_core=4G -l gpus=1 -l gpu_c=6.0
  • -P: Project
  • h_rt: #hours you want to use
  • gpu_c: Which particular gpu you want, usually 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5

Also after you are allocated with a GPU, type these 3 command in the following order:

module load miniconda/23.1.0
module load python3/3.8
conda activate /restricted/projectnb/batmanlab/shawn24/breast_clip_rtx_6000

The last one must be your conda environment, not mine

Multiple GPU

qrsh -P batmanlab -l h_rt=13:00:00 -pe omp 8 -l mem_per_core=4G -l gpus=4 -l gpu_c=7.0

Check all the jobs submitted by you

qstat -u shawn24

All available GPUS

qgpus -V

BatmanLab path

/restricted/projectnb/batmanlab Create a folder with your BuID in this directory.



Running Jupyter

Go to and follow the below setting (change Working Directory to your path): Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 3 38 00 PM

Running VScode

Go to and follow the below setting (change Working Directory to your path):

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 3 38 53 PM

You can directly code in VS Code server.