We implement four gradient-based methods which can escape from saddle point quickly. They are “Perturbed Gradient Descent”, “Perturbed Accelerated Gradient Descent”, “Faster Perturbed Gradient Descent”, and “Faster Perturbed Accelerated Gradient Descent”.
These methods are ensured to converge to
order stationary points in some steps related with problem’s dimension
and the accuracy we want, with probability
If the devtools package is not yet installed, install it first:
Then run:
# install AEenrich from Github:
For documentation pages:
## Objective function: --------------------------------------------------------
obj_f = function(x){
y = 0.5 * x[1]^2 + 0.5 * sin(3 * x[1]) + x[2]^2
## Gradient function: ---------------------------------------------------------
gd = function(x){
gd_vec = c(x[1] + 3 / 2 * cos(3 * x[1]), 2 * x[2])
## start from c(0.6806,0): ----------------------------------------------------
params1 = list(x = c(0.6806,0), eta = 0.1, theta = 0.5, epsilon = 1e-2,
radius = 1e-3, v = c(0,0), gamma = 1e-2, s = 0.1, count = 0,
t = 10, zeta = 0, z = c(1,1), x_0 = c(1,1), iter = 0, t_sub = 5,
eta_sub = 0.05)
## get results: ---------------------------------------------------------------
res_gd = train_gd(vanilla_gd, params1, gd, obj_f, 20)
res_agd = train_gd(AGD, params1, gd, obj_f, 20)
res_pagd = train_gd(PAGD, params1, gd, obj_f, 20)
res_fpgd = train_gd(FPGD, params1, gd, obj_f, 20)
res_fpagd = train_gd(FPAGD, params1, gd, obj_f, 20)
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