Description: Provide an overview of cutting-edge approaches for Microbial Genomic analysis, with a focus on their application in the emerging field of genomic epidemiology. Lectures will be reinforced with discussions and extensive hands-on training. Students will gain experience on the command-line and in performing downstream analysis and visualization in R.
- Sign up for Great Lakes account
- Intro to Unix
- Navigating directory structure
- Data Carpentry: Introducing the Shell & Navigating Files and Directories
- Working with Files and Directories
- Setting up your compute environment
- Loading modules
- Submit a job to cluster
- Setting up Jupyter Notebook with Great Lakes Open OnDemand
- Performing assembly on the cluster
- Assess assembly quality with Quast
- Aggregate and Assess dataset quality using multiQC
- Download datasets from NCBI using SRA toolkit
- Compare genomes using Mashtree
- Visualize data and overlay metadata using iTol
- Variant calling Pipeline
- Variant calling using SNIPPY
- Visualize BAM and VCF files in IGV(
- The RStudio Interface and setting up an RProject
- Creating variables, performing operations and applying functions
- Reading in and parsing a gff file
- Exploring the pan-genome matrix created by panaroo
- Plotting a heatmap of AMR genes from ARIBA
- Exploring the relationship between community- and healthcare-acquired MRSA using phylogenetic analysis
- Tracking the origin of an blaNDM ST147 Klebsiella pneumoniae outbreak using phylogenetic analysis
- Perform Whole genome alignment with Parsnp
- Phylogenetic analysis in APE
- Perform SNP density analysis to discern evidence of recombination
- Perform recombination filtering with Gubbins
- Investigating Regional transmission using Genomic data
- Analyze AAC paper in regentrans
- Examine the impact of data QC on genetic distance distributions
- Identify putative transmission clusters and examine makeup
- Perform root-to-tip analysis before and after data QC
- Construct dated tree
- Overlay geographic data on tree