EverySync is An Open Hardware Time Syncronization Sensor Suite For Every Casual Sensor In Field Of SLAM.
- Our project provides a complete, open-source hardware, firmware and software bundle to perform
Hardware Time Synchronization
of multiple sensors in SLAM system.
Entry of This Project:
- EverySync -- HardwareSuite Open source Hardware Suite of EverySync.
- EverySync -- PCB and Examples Released. Both Altium Designer and LCEDA versions are provided, make sure the project is easy to reproduce. And we also provide some examples for developers to create their own hardware suites.
- May 26, 2022 Finish first version named RealVIS v1.0 .
- May 8, 2023 Support at least 3 kinds of Lidar.
- April 2, 2024 Open-source. Submit to IROS2024. Preprint is comming soon.
- June 30, 2024 Accepted by IROS2024.
- December 26, 2024 Proceding of IROS2024 is released.
- January 13, 2025 Project is totally open source. ⭐Happy New Year⭐.
- MatrixVision tested with Bluefox 2 MLC200WG, needs adaption for new format
- PointGrey/Flir tested with Chameleon 3, Blackfly S
- CamBoard tested with CamBoard pico monstar
- Xsens Support Xsens MTi-100 Series & Xsens MTi-600 Series.Tested with Xsens MTi-300,MTi-630,MTi-670-DK.
- ADIS Originally Support ADIS16448 from VersaVIS
- Ouster tested with Ouster-OS1-32
- Robosense tested with Robosense16
- Livox tested with Livox Mid-40 , Mid-70 , Mid-360
- Ublox tested with Ublox ZED-F9P
title={EverySync: An Open Hardware Time Synchronization Sensor Suite for Common Sensors in SLAM},
author={Wu, Xuankang and Sun, Haoxiang and Wu, Rongguang and Fang, Zheng},
booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/NEU-REAL/EverySync-Hardware-Suite.git
cd everysync/firmware
Add yourself to dialout
sudo adduser <username> dialout
Copy udev rule file to your system:
sudo cp firmware/98-versa-vis.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/98-versa-vis.rules
Afterwards, use the following commands to reload the rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
sudo ldconfig
Note: You might have to reboot your computer for this to take effect. You can check by see whether a /dev/versavis
is available and pointing to the correct device.
Adapt the configuration file to your setup needs. Also check the datasheet for how to configure the hardware switches.
- Install the arduino IDE from here. Use version 1.8.2!
- Note that a small modification of the install script (
) might be required. In particular you may need to change the lineRESOURCE_NAME=cc.arduino.arduinoide
as per the issue here.
- Note that a small modification of the install script (
- Open
in the IDE - Go to
File -> Preferences
- Change Sketchbook location to
- Install board support:
- For EverySync: Check here
- Set
Tools -> Port -> tty/ACM0 (Arduino Zero)
, andTools -> Board -> VersaVIS
. - Compile using the Verify menu option
- Flash using the Upload menu option
- Adapt
to your needs. - Run with
roslaunch everysync pps_test.launch
- Wait for successfull initialization.
- Or initialization by publish rostopic.
There are several important works which support this project:
- VersaVIS: An Open Versatile Multi-Camera Visual-Inertial Sensor Suite
- Versavis-Hw: VersaVIS Board package for arduino IDE.
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.
We are still working on extending the proposed system and improving code reliability.