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Releases: MadMed677/dungeon-rogue

[0.1.13] Update player HuD. Create new level with a new design

05 Sep 08:42
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  • Update player HuD. Now the HuD for the player visualized not above the player
    but on the top-left corner
  • Update not only health count but also health bar
  • Decrease player health from 10 to 5


  • Update player background audio file and add extra ones.
  • Loop audio when it ends


  • Update default font color

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[0.1.12] Attack, Wall Slide, Wall Jump, Double Jump mechanics

29 Aug 14:48
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  • Add player extra animations:
    • wall-slide animation
    • double-jump animation
    • attack animation
  • Add player new mechanics:
    • Slide by the wall (wall slide)
    • Double jump
    • Jump from the wall (wall-jump)
    • Attack the enemies
  • Add a side sensor which handles the right and left sides for the player.
    It helps to understand that the player has any contact on the sides.
    For example, it is used to track enemies on attack or walls on wall_slide
  • Add the textures.ron file, which contains the whole game textures for the game.
    All player states and animations for it. Sizes, items in a sprite sheet, and so on.
    The same logic for the enemies and tutorials.


  • Move all shared components into the common/components file. Made the file less and more readable.

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[0.1.11] Bevy upgrade

21 Aug 07:24
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  • Upgrade all dependencies and bevy to 0.8 version

[0.1.10] Player animation

15 Aug 08:28
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  • Add idle, climb, hit, and death animation for the player
  • Add PlayerAnimationState, which says in which animation state the player right now.
    It helps to run the logic only on specific animation states and wait before
    we may start new physics actions.


  • Chang Player texture to the apple from Phil Giarrusso on
  • Show the death menu only when the death player animation is over


  • Remove pumpkin and dragon icons
  • Remove changing the character by pressing the Q key

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[0.1.9] Save user settings

12 Aug 07:40
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  • Add the settings.ron file, which stores all basic information about the game settings
  • Create temporary/settings.ron which contain instance of user settings. It's been created only once when it's absent.
  • Read from settings to start the game with correct audio settings.


  • Disable TutorialPlugin for now because it has a bug that is described in the same file.
    The tutorial should be turned on when the game is upgraded to [email protected] version

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[0.1.8] Music settings

08 Aug 15:37
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  • Add damage to the enemy when the player interacts with them.
  • Add an ability to change settings. For now, it's the only music
    • Ability to turn on / off music
    • Ability to increase/decrease volume
    • Ability to go back to the main menu


  • Move MainMenuUI and DeadMenuUI into the UI plugin and add only this plugin in We may add additional UI plugins later, which will not affect the main file.

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[0.1.7] Player death

31 Jul 07:33
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  • Add background game music when the player is playing the game. And paused it when the player was in the menu.
  • Add player health and add HuD (Heads-up Display)
  • Add Health for Player and all enemies (currently, all enemies have the same amount of health, but it will be changed in the future).
  • Update the Health component when the player clicks the H keyboard (just for testing). There is no relation to the game. Just to check how to update the Health component and HuD width.
  • Show the dead menu when the player is dead. Forbid to resume the game if the player is dead
  • Add an out-of-bounce area when the player should die because it's a restricted area.


  • Add a more complex game state. Add additional game states for Game and Menu states. Now Menu has Main and Dead sub-states.

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[0.1.6] Enemy movement

31 Jul 07:30
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  • Add enemy sprites and make them look like a monsters
  • Add patrol for the monster to be able to walk on the map
  • Add enemy animation if they are on the move (the same logic as we did for player)


  • Do not affect tutorials if there are any interactions except the Player. Because previously, any kind of entity may affect tutorials and even the monsters remove tutorials after collision interactions.
  • Change enemy sprite rotation when the monster goes on left or right

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[0.1.5] Added the tutorial (how to climb and move)

31 Jul 07:28
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Add movement tutorial. When we show a UI on the top-left screen. And we're leading the user on how to move and climb