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Releases: Kirilllive/tuesday-js

TuesdayJS Relese 3.1

08 Mar 11:23
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TuesdayJS Relese 3.1 International Women's Day

​In the previous update, a serious bug was found in the "map of the area" plugin.

Changed the element settings interface in the scene editor, now all settings are categorized to make it easier for you to navigate

Tuesday JS Relese 3 / 100

06 Mar 22:55
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Wow! 100 releases in a year and 6 months! half of them were public.

The new version fixes critical bugs from previous updates.

Added "Only text from" feature to borrow dialogs from other blocks, which should help you reduce the number of blocks used in a project and the ability to use dialogs on the map screen.

tuesday js Only text from

I have received many suggestions to add the ability to use portrait screen orientation in the Android version. I'm not 100% sure that this will work well and there may be new issues, but this feature has been added in the new version. In the near future, I plan to pay more attention to the Android version to make it stable and easy to use.

Tuesday JS Release 2 ASCII graphics tool

01 Mar 21:03
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Tuesday JS continues to improve, and the new release has the ability to add conditions to display "art" elements. so you can diversify scenes without creating new scenes and create even more content to unlock.

Now, by default, the "autosave" function will be disabled in the project, it affects the values of variables, which can spoil the result during development. Therefore, if you want to use autosave in your project, then you will need to enable it yourself in the project settings.

Two new settings "console mod" and "end text cursor" have been added to the text panel settings. Console mod adds automatic scrolling to the text pane if it goes beyond the text pane.

end text cursor adds an image at the end of the text (analogue click-to-continue). It marks the end of a dialogue or phrase, very common element in Visual Novel and Kinect Novel. it can be both gif-animation and raster graphics. Optionally, you can set the size of this element and the CSS style.

Good news for those with graphics issues. Tuesday JS is now adapted to use ASCII graphics.
ASCII ART is an image made up of text characters. A very common art form in the 80s and during the days of BBS networks or FidoNet.
For ASCII ART in web browser use, I recommend using mono fonts such as "Lucida Console, Monospace" or "Courier New, Monospace".

A new ASCII Art Paint tool has been added to the toolbox combining a graphical editor and an image to text converter.

You can add a bitmap of the image to be displayed on the background of the canvas so that you can choose the appropriate size for converting the image and use it as a template for manual editing.

You can use .txt text files for save images or the clipboard buffer for for quick addition of text images. There is a quick copy button and a simple text editor for this.

Play online:

  • Added display condition options for art
  • Fixed parameters of items in "hidden object"
  • The autosave option is now disabled by default.
  • Added a new end_text_cursor element to the text panel
  • Added "Console Mode" option to the text panel.
  • Added separators between parameter groups in the text panel settings.
  • Text panel changed to correctly display ASCII ART.
  • The "Add text" element is now displayed in the scene editor

Tuesday JS Release one

31 Jan 16:00
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Tuesday JS First release

First stable build! in which all the main functionality has been tested so that you can create your project from start to finish without technical problems.

This release does not guarantee the complete absence of bugs, as before, the problems that have appeared will be fixed in updates.

In this update, the code has been significantly optimized, and the approach to the work of some functions has been changed to reduce the resource costs for their execution.
Redesigned compatibility with various web browsers for more universal use. (so that the editor and the created project are as similar as possible in different browsers).
Changes have also been made to more conveniently add new functionality to expand the capabilities of the editor.

Tuesday JS Beta 0.94 last beta

20 Jan 10:47
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Tuesday JS Quick tutorial

If all goes well, this will be the last beta. This version fixes minor bugs found while writing the documentation.
The first section of the documentation is currently available "A quick guide to create a visual novel" its task is to briefly introduce unprepared users to the basics of using the editor.

If you have any problems with this tutorial or if you don't understand something in it, then write to me at [email protected]

Tuesday JS Beta 0.92 colors and lines

09 Jan 21:07
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In the new release, the code for displaying lines and blocks has been optimized.
Added adaptation of colors for story blocks in dark themes. The block color is now inherited by all elements related to this block, which makes the storylines more descriptive.

Tuesday JS Beta 0.92 colors and lines

  • Changed the way of displaying lines
  • Adapted block colors for dark themes
  • The line color inherits the color of the block it points to
  • Choice buttons inherit the color of the block they refer to
  • Fixed video playback in chromium
  • Fixed returning to the stage with the "text add" element

Tuesday JS Beta 0.90 update for Chrome

02 Jan 20:05
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A small update affecting the editor's compatibility with the latest Chromium updates and future updates, for this, the system for displaying the communication lines of the plot blocks has been changed.

Displaying lines now consumes significantly less resources and can be castrated.

The system of displaying the catalog of uploaded files has been updated, which also speeds up its work.

Tuesday JS

Tuesday JS Beta 0.89 Happy New Year!

21 Dec 09:44
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Tuesday JS Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Last update this year, fixed minor issues with the "terrain_map" plugin.
A new tool has been added to convert files to base64 and back to binary, in addition, the tool displays the approximate data size for binary and text formats.

Tuesday JS converting base64

  • Cursor settings are now applied to "terrain map".
  • Fixed communication lines of "terrain map" with plot blocks.
  • Fixed the problem of the appearance of a "panel name" without text
  • Returned example "example_tour_guide", new version uses plugin "terrain_map"
  • Added tool for converting files to base64

Tuesday JS Beta 0.88 Secret content

13 Dec 21:04
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You can now create secret content or unlock content as you progress through the story.
A new parameter “show” is available for selection buttons and markers on the map, in which you can configure the conditions for displaying an object based on values in variables. Display conditions are available in two modes: "visible if" and "hidden if".

tuesday js

  • Added JavaScript function for map markers
  • Added setting of conditions for displaying or hiding an object.
  • Fixed Undo / Redo functions in the terrain map editor.
  • Fixed working with variables in the android version
  • Fixed problem with removing variables from select item

Tuesday JS Beta 0.86 terrain map

07 Dec 00:14
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Another weekly update!
Added a new type of scene for displaying the map in which you can place markers and link them to story blocks.

tuesday js terrain map

The terrain maps are created using the same tool as Hidden Object scene, so they have almost the same interface and functionality. Regardless of the original size of the map image, it automatically adapts to the size of the screen or window along with all its content, and scrolling function is automatically added, the map also remembers the last scroll position so that the player does not have to scroll to the desired position each time.

tuesday js terrain map