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Releases: Kirilllive/tuesday-js

Tuesday JS Release 17 two years

06 Sep 09:46
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Tuesday JS two years

September 8 marks the two year anniversary of the Tuesday JS visual novel engine! Over the past year, the engine has received many new features, such as additional hidden object mechanics and support for ASCII graphics, as well as a growing community, translated versions of the editor have appeared. For which many thanks to the translators who helped me with this @Suki_Novels. and @onigi123

In this release:

  • Added default project language selection setting
  • Improved compatibility with SVG animatio
  • Fixed compatibility issues for custom cursors
  • Fixed problems with getting test from other blocks
  • Fixed error connecting external js-files in preview

Also available is an Spanish localization of the editor from Twitter user @Suki_Novels. thank you very much for a job well done!
This language is very long in its structure and it is difficult to find expressions that do not break the layout of the interface. If you have any opinions or wishes regarding the content of the translation, please let us know.

Tuesday JS Gallery

Tuesday JS Release 16 Japanese version

02 Aug 10:02
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Tuesday JS Release 16 Japanese version

Tuesday JSの日本語版を公開しました。Tuesday JSを快適に利用できる方が増えれば、と願って制作しました。

Tuesday JSは、簡単な操作でビジュアルノベルやアドベンチャーゲームが作れる素敵なツールです。 WindowsでもMacでもAndroid OSのスマートフォンでも動作するので手軽に使用できます。


ツールの更新頻度が高いこともあって、Tuesday JSの制作者から受け取ったRelease 16以降に変更があった箇所は、 現在の日本語版では未翻訳のまま残っています。

Good news!
A fully translated Japanese version of "Tuesday JS" has been published. This was done specifically to improve the comfort of using the editor.

Twitter user @onigi123 helped us with this, He did an incredibly difficult job and carefully studied all the functionality in order to find the most appropriate words for functions and technical terms. For example, the motion parameters in css in the original are called like this "ease-in-out" which is difficult to translate literally, especially out of context, he suggested an alternative name for this "遅→早→遅 / normal -> fast -> normal" which I think is the most informative.

Tuesday JS Release 16 Japanese version

The other major problem was the characters themselves, in the Arial font, Chinese, Korean and Japanese characters are slightly larger than capital Latin letters and have more indentation between characters, which broke many interface layouts, phonetic symbols added to the problem, they were often used for technical terms, especially those borrowed from other languages, such inscriptions also consisted of large hieroglyphs and were much longer than the original inscriptions. This fact severely violated the interface, because of which it had to be adjusted to fit the significantly increased inscriptions.
This translation was the most difficult, and I hope that the editor will become more convenient and understandable for a part of our audience.

Tuesday JS Release 16 Japanese version

Tuesday JS Release 16 Japanese version

Tuesday JS Release 15 Translation tool

15 Jul 06:35
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uesday js

Added new built-in editor for text Now adding a new translation to a novel or editing texts has become even easier and more convenient without leaving the editor.

Features of the new tool:

  • Search by words, block name or character name
  • Displaying the number of transferred strings
  • The interface is similar to a familiar spreadsheet

tuesday js

In place of the menu "Export text to table" will now be "Dialogs and texts", which will be available for exporting texts to CSV, as well as a new tool for translating texts.

Also in this release:

  • The "Text Only From" feature can now display texts from its own block.
  • HTML content is no longer stripped when using "Text Only From"
  • Added the ability to remove the button after clicking on "Only text from"
  • Fixed compatibility of "Console mod" with Chrome browser.
  • Fixed problems in font settings.

Tuesday JS Release 12 HSL

27 Jun 09:53
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TuesdayJS Release 12 HLS

Updated color settings tool! now it can work with HSL color format and added saturation and brightness settings. You can also convert HSL color to other formats like RGB and HEX.

  • Updated color settings tool!
  • Improved RunTime image display stability.
  • Added a new example demonstrating the use of spritesheets and spritesheets animations.

Tuesday JS Release X update text and name panels

25 May 19:58
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Tuesday JS Relese X update text and name panels

In this release, name and text panels have been completely redesigned. The background image alignment angle can now be specified for these panels, and the style set no longer violates other panel settings. Now it is much more stable and easier to set up. All restrictions on its location in the scene are arranged.

The new version retains compatibility with projects from earlier versions, but there may be minor inconsistencies.

Tuesday JS Relese 8 振り仮名 Furigana

26 Apr 18:45
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振り仮名 Furigana

Now the engine can use additional or alternative text, explanations, annotations and, most importantly, phonetic transcription (IPA or Furigana).
To specify alternative text, you must specify the word in angle brackets and specify its value through the equal sign < 簡単 = かんたん >

If you've traveled around Japan or read the original manga, you may have noticed that sometimes the inscriptions are duplicated in what looks like a transcription.

溜池山王 : ためいけさんのう
In the photo, the name of the stations is written in three ways: hieroglyphs, kana and latin.

What is this for? some people, mostly children and foreigners, may not know all the kanji characters and their meanings, so a text with phonetic pronunciation has been added for them.
In other countries, phonetic transcription is less common and mostly in tourist areas, but even Wikipedia actively uses the International Phonetic Alphabet to display the correct pronunciation of terms and names.
I was very surprised by the presence of the ruby tag for this function in the HTML, made specifically for Furigana. I had never heard of him before and never met him.

Other updates

Additionally, the function of resetting the object selection tool has been added and problems with dynamic resizing of the scene with a selected object have been fixed.

The tools color converter has been updated, now it can work with the HSL color system.

Added the ability to display variable values in the scene editor text panel, similar to how it would look in a novel.

Tuesday JS Relese 7 Portrait screen mode

15 Apr 13:47
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android tuesday js

Significant changes have been made in the new version to adapt the internal tools to the portrait mode of the screen.

Updated choice button editing tools. you can now align images inside a button in cover and content view, and fixed issues with text wrapping inside the button area.

The system for displaying the "forward" and "back" buttons has been updated, now it steadily takes into account the presence of text in the previous and next dialog.

Tuesday JS Relese 6

06 Apr 10:22
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tuesday js

The new version fixes the compatibility issues of android versions with web and desktop versions, this mainly affected the work with files.
Also fixed issues with the playback of the sound assigned to the choices buttons.
Fixed visual issues caused by using ASCII graphics and added the ability to display ASCII graphics on choices buttons and UI elements.

  • Fixed audio playback issues in the Android version.
  • Fixed Android version compatibility issues with web and desctop versions.
  • Added support for ASCII graphics for all editor elements.

Tuesday JS Relese 5

01 Apr 07:42
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_Users_kirilllive_Documents_TuesdayJS_tuesday_visual html

This release fixes some of the more complex bugs. the main problem is the unstable reproduction of the conditions that cause these problems.
The reasons for which there were problems with the rotation of objects in the scene editor, and problems with script scrolling were found and eliminated.

  • Fixed an issue with object rotation in the scene editor.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the scroll position of the script to reset when the scene editor was closed.
  • Fixed flickering text when switching to a new dialogue.
  • Fixed display of "text end cursor" parameters in android version.
  • Now by default a new scene is created along with the dialogue.

Tuesday JS Relese 4 Hooray! 100 stars!

20 Mar 15:31
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Tuesday JS 100 stars

Two short and very beautiful novels were made on the engine by the user jsmonzani

The new version improves the display of ASCII graphics and implements compatibility with the ASCII Art Paint application.
Fixed issues where it was not possible to place a text panel at the left or right edge.
The Android version has received all the latest updates, including an updated interface.
Added a new example demonstrating an easy way to enter a character name using javascript​​.

  • Android version received release updates 3 and 3.1
  • Fixed issues with the position of the text panel.
  • Updated compatibility with ASCII Art Paint editor.
  • New "Enter name" example