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Break Glass deployment

jbrown-xentity edited this page Apr 26, 2022 · 3 revisions application deployments are handled by each applications github actions (see inventory app deployment). Any commits to the designated branches (main and dev)will be picked up by CI/CD pipeline and sent on their ways to the servers. This process might take up to 20 minutes to complete depending on the state of each components along the way. In some rare occasions, some committed changes needs to be made live right away (without waiting for the full tests to complete and a merge and deployment to be performed), which we considered a Break Glass scenario. Here are the steps to get it done:

  1. Log into locally (see notes)
  2. Review the deployment process for the app, and run any necessary commands (such as vendoring in catalog and in inventory).
  3. Run the local deployment (can exclude --strategy rolling if the app is in a bad state): example
  4. Debug any log output
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