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SkyZone SteadyView Wiring

Paul Kendall edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 8 revisions

Before you start

Before wiring up the RX to your SteadyView module, flash the RX of your choice with the firmware.


Wiring up the SkyZone SteadyView is a fairly simple process. It is however a semi-destructive process.

  1. Either desolder and pull pins 1-3 from the SteadyView, or cut them off.
  2. Wire as is shown in the image below
    • The blue wire is connected to the boot-pad (make sure not to bridge to ground) and to pin 1 (CLK) of the Module Bay connector.
    • The green wire is connected to the RX pad and to pin 2 (DATA) of the Module Bay connector.
    • The Yellow wire is connected to the TX pad and to pin 3 (CS) of the Module Bay connector.
  3. The power wires are connected as follows.
    • The black wire (GND) is connected to the 3rd pin from the end (Pin 7) of the Module Bay connector.
    • The red wire (5V) is connected to the last pin (Pin 9) of the Module Bay connector.

Button it up

  1. Once it's all wired up, insert the module back into the bay making sure the pins go into the module bay socket.
  2. Push the backpack RX into the space next to the module (there should be just enough room).
  3. Put the cover back on, with my RX it almost fits. ![](SkyZone-Lid-On.jpg