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Wez edited this page Oct 24, 2021 · 1 revision

The Backpack code is not yet in a stable release version (although it will be in v2.0), so you need to flash the master branch to the TX module, and install the v2 LUA script on your handset.

Updating the TX to master

  1. Open the ExpressLRS Configurator
  2. Select the "GIT BRANCH" tab
  3. In the "Git branches" dropdown, select master
  4. Select your TX type as per normal under "Target"
  5. Configure all your normal options and bind phrase
  6. Flash using your desired method

Updating your LUA script

  1. Go to
  2. Right click on the "Raw" button, and select "Save link as...", and save it somewhere you can find later
  3. Connect your handset to your computer
  4. Navigate to the SD contents disk, then go to /SCRIPTS/TOOLS/
  5. Copy the elrsV2.lua from step 2 into the TOOLS directory
  6. Unplug your handset
  7. Check that you can open the new LUA script on the handset, and can see the good:bad packet rate as before.