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Release Notes

Ariel Montes edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 1 revision

Release Notes

22 Oct 2023: ver. 2.0.0

  • Added use of Skia4Delphi
  • Added support for new image format (webp and wbmp)
  • Uses AnimatedStyledDialogs for messages
  • Added toolbar for markdown commands
  • Added dialog for input of hyperlink for Images and Files
  • Updated Markdown library with best support for CommonMark transformation
  1. Subscript text and Superscript text
  2. Formulas (using [Google Chart API])
  3. ==Markers==
  4. [Reference-style Links][1]

29 Jun 2023: ver. 1.5.2

  • Fixed loading images with "spaces" in the filename
  • Fixed immediate-loading of new images when editing the file
  • During loading of remote images, user can stop loading pressing "Esc"
  • Updated Copyright for the Editor

26 Jun 2023: ver. 1.5.1

  • Fixed Preview of Markdown files with extensions different from .markdown

24 Jun 2023: ver. 1.5.0

  • Autoload local markdown files when clicked into Preview
  • The editor can open all markdown extensions: .md, .mkd, .mdwn, .mdown, .mdtxt, .mdtext, .markdown, .txt, .text'
  • Stopped image rendering during editing to speed-up
  • Added useful close button on Tabs
  • Hint full filename on Tabs
  • Save/Discard messaged default response inverted
  • Removed Settings "Search In Folder"

1 Nov 2022: ver. 1.4.3

  • Fixed loading images into Preview
  • Fixed the setting for local loading

11 Set 2022: ver. 1.4.1

  • Added Combobox for easy selection Markdown Dialect
  • Added Windows 11 light and dark styles
  • Fixed load file with blanks in content menu
  • Fixed loading ANSI files
  • Fixed AV in Settings with opened files

20 Jan 2022: ver. 1.3.0

  • Added Support for Windows 11
  • Fixed resize content

04 Sep 2021: ver. 1.2.0

  • Added Support for Delphi 11
  • Updated Image32 Lib

20 Jul 2021: ver. 1.1.0

  • Added Image32 Lib to best rendering of SVG Images

06 Jul 2021

  • First public release with setup