Predict progenitor sequence of fungal repeat families by correcting for RIP-like mutations (CpA --> TpA) and cytosine deamination (C --> T) events.
Mask RIP or deamination events from input alignment as ambiguous bases.
For each column in input alignment:
- Check if number of gapped rows is greater than max gap proportion. If true, then a gap is added to the output sequence.
- Set invariant column values in output sequence.
- If at least X proportion of bases are C/T or G/A (i.e. maxSNPnoise = 0.4, then at least 0.6 of positions in column must be C/T or G/A).
- If reaminate option is set then revert T-->C or A-->G.
- If reaminate is not set then check for number of positions in RIP dinucleotide context (C/TpA or TpG/A).
- If proportion of positions in column in RIP-like context => minRIPlike threshold, AND at least one substrate and one product motif (i.e. CpA and TpA) is present, perform RIP correction in output sequence.
- For all remaining positions in output sequence (not filled by gap, reaminate, or RIP-correction) inherit sequence from input sequence with the fewest observed RIP events (or greatest GC content if not RIP detected or multiple sequences sharing min-RIP count).
- Corrected sequence as fasta.
- Optional, alignment with:
- Corrected sequence appended.
- With corrected positions masked as ambiguous bases.
Requires Python => v3.8
Clone from this repository:
% git clone && cd deRIP2 && pip install -e .
Install from PyPi.
% pip install derip2
Test installation.
# Print version number and exit.
% derip2 --version
derip2 0.0.4
# Get usage information
% derip2 --help
For aligned sequences in 'mintest.fa':
- Any column with >= 70% gap positions will not be corrected and a gap inserted in corrected sequence.
- Bases in column must be >= 80% C/T or G/A
- At least 50% bases in a column must be in RIP dinucleotide context (C/T as CpA / TpA) for correction.
- Default: Inherit all remaining uncorrected positions from the least RIP'd sequence.
- Mask all substrate and product motifs from corrected columns as ambiguous bases (i.e. CpA to TpA --> YpA)
derip2 -i tests/data/mintest.fa --format fasta \
--maxGaps 0.7 \
--maxSNPnoise 0.2 \
--minRIPlike 0.5 \
--label derip_name \
--mask \
-d results \
--outAln masked_aligment_with_deRIP.fa --outAlnFormat fasta --outFasta derip_prediction.fa
- results/derip_prediction.fa
- results/masked_aligment_with_deRIP.fa
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