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Quick Plugin Comparison

A248 edited this page May 30, 2021 · 9 revisions

This is a quick table for comparing between LibertyBans, AdvancedBan, and LiteBans.

NB: Tables and graphs do not tell the full picture! To really understand what's going on here, read the detailed and explanatory comparisons. You can find these on the sidebar at the right. For each plugin here, there is a detailed comparison between LibertyBans and the plugin.


Plugin Supported Platforms Java Req. Free Open-Source Database Support Thread-Safe Design Semver API Geyser Support Multi-Proxy Support Connection Pool* Exempt Permissions Server Scopes Uses UUIDs Import From
LibertyBans Bukkit, BungeeCord, Velocity 11+ Yes Yes HSQLDB (local), MariaDB/MySQL Yes Yes Yes Partially Yes No No Yes AdvancedBan, LiteBans, vanilla
AdvancedBan Bukkit, BungeeCord, Velocity 8+ Yes Yes HSQLDB (local), MariaDB/MySQL No No Unclear No No Yes No Partially _
LiteBans Bukkit, BungeeCord 8+ No No H2 (local), MariaDB/MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite (discouraged) Unclear Partially No Yes Unclear Yes Yes Yes AdvancedBan, BanManager v4 and v5, BungeeAdminTools, MaxBans, UltraBans, vanilla

* Includes whether the plugin has a connection pool and takes advantage of it. For example, AdvancedBan has a connection pool, but in practice, can only use 1 connection at a time, which is effectively the same as not using a connection pool.


Yes – Yes

Partially – Partially

No – No

Unclear - Unknown, either because the plugin is closed-source, or the feature has not been tested.