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Importing from Other Plugins

A248 edited this page May 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

LibertyBans supports importing from the following sources:

  • AdvancedBan
  • LiteBans
  • Vanilla server bans (includes Essentials)
    • Importing vanilla bans requires that you run LibertyBans on Bukkit during the import process. Once the import is complete you can move LibertyBans to any supported platform.

If you do not see your plugin listed here, open a new issue and describe the feature request.

Importing Steps

  1. Backup your data! Taking backups is good practice, always. If you want to be extra safe, be sure that you can restore your backup, too.
  2. Configure the import.yml
  3. Run the import command - /libertybans import <source>. Replace with 'advancedban', 'litebans', or 'vanilla'


Importing is not a 1-to-1 process, because storage methods vary across plugins.

AdvancedBan and Vanilla – UUID Support

Import source UUID Support - Victims UUID Support - Operators
LiteBans Yes Yes
AdvancedBan Yes No
Vanilla No No

AdvancedBan and vanilla bans both use names in some places where LibertyBans needs UUIDs. LibertyBans uses UUIDs everywhere, so a UUID lookup will be performed in these cases.

How UUID lookups are performed is controlled by the uuid-resolution and server-type settings in the config.yml.

  • If you are running a normal online-mode server, you will want to add additional web API resolvers. Without this, your server will be rate-limited by Mojang for performing too many UUID lookups:
  server-type: 'ONLINE'
    - 'ASHCON' // Example - Add this first
    - 'MOJANG' 
  • If you are running an offline-mode (cracked) server, and using CRACKED UUIDs – i.e., all players have cracked UUIDs – then you don't need to do anything. LibertyBans will assume the user is cracked and calculate their cracked UUID.

  • If you are running an offline-mode server, and using MIXED UUIDs, where some players have cracked UUIDs and some have online UUIDs, LibertyBans cannot perform any UUID lookups. Some punishments will be skipped if LibertyBans cannot determine the UUID.

    • You can avoid losing punishments if all the users join the server first, or have joined the server since LibertyBans was installed. If the players have joined the server before, LibertyBans will remember their name and UUID, and so when the import occurs, LibertyBans will know the UUID of these players.

LiteBans – Using PostgreSQL or H2

If you used LiteBans with MySQL or MariaDB, no additional setup is required. LibertyBans includes these drivers.

If you used LiteBans with PostgreSQL or H2, you will need to add these drivers to your server first. How you do this is as follows:

  1. Download the relevant driver:
  1. Create a directory called "libs" on your server. The "libs" directory should be located like this:
... etc
  1. Upload the driver you downloaded in Step 1 to the libs directory
  2. Now you will need to start your server so that it recognizes the libs directory. To do this, you need to use the -classpath option instead of -jar.
  • Start your server like this. Replace 'server.jar' with your server jar:
java -classpath server.jar:libs/* org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main
  • Do NOT use -jar!
  • If you are running a proxy, you will need to replace org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main with the main class of your proxy software. For Velocity, that is com.velocitypowered.proxy.Velocity. For BungeeCord, that is net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.

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