💝 Improvements
Refine free conditions/actions search to give priority to results with the search word in the displayed name
Ensure behaviors are compatible with the object before pasting them
Change documentation pages of some actions and conditions to point to more specific pages
Allow to swap assets of any object type
🐛 Bug fixes
[Physics3D] Fix remaining hit-boxes of deleted character
Also fix 3D character behavior deactivation
Fix games sometimes disappearing from the dashboard
This was caused by games wrongly being considered as not saved during the export, and they were hidden from the dashboard afterwards
[Text input] Various fixes:
Icon for the condition "Value was submitted"
Ghost area where a text input was when switching scenes
"disabled" and "read-only" properties
⚙️ Extensions
[Reviewed] [Pointer lock] Fix expression visibility
[Community] [New] WortalSDK (Thanks to @banghawe !)
[Community] [3D tween] Fix the color tween
🎨 Assets
[New prefab] Player Avatar: display the avatar of a player in a multiplayer game.
You can’t perform that action at this time.