Iso country codes - that thing that we discussed that defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest.
This is a iOS Swift library/class files that does a simple lookup depending on a alpha2, alpha3 or numeric value you give it. Currently it holds all the 249 countries, territories, or areas of geographical interest that are assigned official codes in ISO 3166-1.
This library returns ISO codes, names and currencies for countries.
- Find by alpha-2, alpha-3 or numeric (String - yes I know...)
- Search by name
- Search by currency code
- Search by by dialing code (+31 for Nethelands, +1 for USA, etc...)
- Retrieve a corresponding emoji flag from a country code.
You can search via numeric, alpha-2 or alpha-3 format. Searching an ISO code returns a struct.
print(IsoCountryCodes.find(key: "020").name) //Andorra
print(IsoCountryCodes.find(key: "TK").name) //Tokelau
print(IsoCountryCodes.find(key: "TKL").currency) //NZD
You can also search by country name, currency or calling/dialing code
dump(IsoCountryCodes.searchByName(name: "Netherlands")
print(IsoCountryCodes.searchByCurrency(currency: "EUR").count ) // 31
print(IsoCountryCodes.searchByCallingCode(calllingCode: "+31").name ) // Netherlands
let country = IsoCountryCodes.searchByName(name: "Netherlands")
dump(country) // This dumps the full struct in console
This returns a IsoCountryInfo
โฟ IsoCountryCodes.IsoCountryInfo
- name: Netherlands
- numeric: 528
- alpha2: NL
- alpha3: NLD
- calling: +31
- currency: EUR
- continent: EU
Retrieve a corresponding emoji flag from a country code. (Thanks to @lorismaz for this addition!)
let emojiString = IsoCountries.flag(countryCode: "NL")
// Prints ๐ณ๐ฑ
let emojiString = IsoCountryCodes.find(key: "USA").flag
// Prints ๐บ๐ธ
Copy/add files to your project
The 'do-whatever-you-please-with-it licence. Use it or abuse it. Just keep my name at the top of the files.