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Starter kit


  • Git client of your choice
  • NodeJS (Installation through brew(macos)/chocolatey(windows) recommended)


  • Clone project from
  • Run npm i to install NPM dependencies
  • Test project with npm run test

NPM Commands

  • storybook: Storybook development environment
  • build-storybook: Generate static storybook environment
  • deploy-storybook: Deploy storybook to github pages,
  • serve-storybook: Server production build of storybook locally
  • build:Build webpack production variant of the application
  • dev: Start local webpack dev environment
  • proxy: Starts up a proxy server for the actual backend (needed for cors settings). Note that the production env is currently proxied
  • test :Execute jest snapshot testing for the storybook components
  • lint: Lints all typscript

Publish storybook

  1. npm run deploy-storybook: Deploys the production build of storybook to github page


Npm versioning will update the packjson and package-lock file. This will help with versioning of the state saved in the local storage. A new version will trigger a reset of a clean state given there might have been state changes on which the application could fail.

npm version patch 0.0.x npm version minor 0.x.0 npm version major x.0.0

Hygen Timesavers

We’ve added hygen, the scalable code generator that saves you time, to the stack so that you can quickly generate a new component using our component standard, which is reflected in the component structure outputted by the command.

Below is an example of issuing the command to create an atom component called my-component.

npx hygen modules component --name my-component --type atom

options - type

  • atom
  • molecule
  • organism
  • page


react redux saga starter kit






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