This repo contains three configuration files.
- GKE_template.yml (responsible for creation of private cluster inside gcp)
- deployment.yml (responsible for creation of deployments, service and HPA)
- ingress-resource.yaml (responsible for creation of ingress-controller
- GCP account
- GCP project
- Docker environment
- git
Connect to gcp project
gcloud config set project [ProjectID] -
For creating kubernetes cluster,As cluster is private, replace your machine IP address in GKE_template.yml in following line (- cidrBlock: YourIP/32), This allows to expose master end-point to your machine.
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create GKE-deployment --config GKE_template.yaml -
Connect to cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [Cluster Name] --zone [Zone] --project [ProjectID] -
Create deployments,services and HPA
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml -
For installation of helm (inorder to have ingress controller we have to install helm)
curl -o
chmod +x
./ -
Installing Tiller with RBAC enabled
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --service-account tiller -
Download and install helm-chart(helm-chart contains configurations for installing nginx-ingress controller)
In this case cluster is private, so when we install helm-chart from offical reposiotry it try to download docker image.
Therfore, we have to either enable NAT or change the helm-chart configurations.
In our case we are changing helm-chart configurations,so we can use same docker image from gcr registry which is accessible by cluster
docker pull
docker tag[ProjectID]/nginx-ingress:latest
docker push[ProjectID]/nginx-ingress
mkdir helmchart && cd helmchart
helm fetch stable/nginx-ingress
tar xvzf [.tgz file]
cd nginx-ingress/
vi values.yaml
Replace docker image in values.yaml with the gcr pushed image
helm install --name nginx-ingress .
For deploying ingress controller to cluster
kubectl apply -f ingress-resource.yaml
HPA take decisions on the base of metrics server, therfore install metrics server
git clone
cd metrics-server/
vi deploy/1.8+/metrics-server-deployment.yaml
Add following lines after image tag
- /metrics-server
- --metric-resolution=30s
- --kubelet-insecure-tls
- --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP
Now install the metrics server.
kubectl apply -f deploy/1.8+/
Check initial state of HPA, note number of replicas in output
kubectl get hpa
kubectl run -it deployment-for-testing --image=busybox /bin/sh
Inside deployment-for-testing container enter
wget -q -O- http://ExternalIP/spring
For getting external IP of load balancer enter command kubectl get services
If entering http://ExternalIP/spring in browser and in container outputs same, this means everything is working fine
Now put some stress on pod by entering following loop inside container
echo "while true; do wget -q -O- http://ExternalIP/spring; done" >
chmod +x /
sh /
After some time, again enter following command to see changes in replicas
kubectl get hpa
gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete [Project Name]