Originally, this was a wrapper around jsx
to handle encoding and decoding of Erlang records, but euneus gives to
jsxrecord a better performance.
To ease the interop between Erlang and JSON the 'null' handling is changed:
Erlang -> JSON -> Erlang
undefined null undefined
null null undefined
Before records can be encoded or decoded the record definitions need to be loaded.
After the definitions are loaded then all encoding/decoding is done transparently.
The record definitions are loaded from modules and compiled into a runtime loaded module containing all field names and default values.
To add record definitions from mymodule
ok = jsxrecord:load_records( [ mymodule ]).
To see the current record definitions:
This returns a map with all known record definitions.
Let's assume the following record definition has been loaded:
-record(test, { a = 1, b = 2, c }).
This can now be encoded with:
jsxrecord:encode( #test{} ).
The resulting JSON is:
Decoding returns the #test{}
#test{} = jsxrecord:decode(<<"{\"_record\":\"test\",\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":null}">>).
Defaults are automatically added for fields missing in the JSON:
#test{ a = 1, b = 2, c = undefined } = jsxrecord:decode(<<"{\"_record\":\"test\"}">>).
Datetime tuples are assumed to be in UTC, and are converted into an ISO8601 string:
<<"\"2008-12-10T13:30:00Z\"">> = jsxrecord:encode({{2008, 12, 10}, {13, 30, 0}})
They are converted back into a datetime tuple:
{{2008, 12, 10}, {13, 30, 0}} = jsxrecord:decode(<<"\"2008-12-10T13:30:00Z\"">>)
Erlang timestamp tuples are also converted into an ISO8601 string, but with added precision:
<<"\"2020-06-12T14:00:11.571Z\"">> = jsxrecord:encode({1591,970411,571321})
A little bit of precision is lost when converting it back to a timestamp tuple:
{1591,970411,571000} = jsxrecord:decode(<<"\"2020-06-12T14:00:11.571Z\"">>)
Set the application env jsxrecord.record_modules
to a list of modules whose records need to
be loaded on first use of the encoder or decoder.
The input of encode and the output of decode are parsed and expanded.
This makes the encoder and decoder slower than pure jsx
Though the difference shouldn't be too bad in normal usage.