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update introduction with Nik's comments
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zkamvar committed Dec 15, 2016
1 parent 1900769 commit d2a02cc
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Showing 2 changed files with 30 additions and 32 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions bib/main_bibliography.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
% -- galindo1960nature
title={The nature of sexuality in {\textit{Phytophthora infestans}}},
author={Galindo, A and Gallegly, ME},

% -- lynch2008genome
doi = {10.1073/pnas.0803466105},
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52 changes: 20 additions & 32 deletions chapters/00-introduction.Rmd
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Introduction

Dobzhansky's famous quote "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light
of evolution" has become cliché, but it is hard to find a statement that more elegantly
of evolution" has become a cliché, but it is hard to find a statement that more elegantly
captures the essence of biological study [-@dobzhansky2013nothing]. In a more
reductionist sense, it is perhaps appropriate to state that nothing in evolution
makes sense except in the light of mutation; that is to say that mutation in an
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ animals, and viruses are known to exclusively reproduce clonally
reproduction that results in offspring that are genetically identical to the
parents (note that this can include organisms derived from the selfing of a haploid
organism). Thus, the definition of a population is perhaps best rephrased to
simply indicate a group of individuals of the same species^[This depends on your definition of a species, which is out of the scope of this dissertation and therefore best debated elsewhere.] coexisting in the
simply indicate a group of individuals of the same species^[This depends on your definition of a species, which is out of the scope of this dissertation and therefore best debated elsewhere.] coexisting
spatially and temporally [@milgroom1997contributions].

There are several costs and benefits associated with both clonal and sexual
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,31 +86,18 @@ cause disease), virulence (severity of disease), or morphotype placing them into
different phenotypes [@milgroom1997contributions; @levin1999population]. When
considering markers for population genetic analysis, one of the most important
criteria is that these markers are heritable.
<!-- NIK: This doesn't flow, rewrite or delete
The problem with pathotypes was that, while it was possible to define a
panel of pathotypes upon which to develop anti-microbial treatments or resistant
host cultivars, there was no way of assessing the evolutionary potential of the
pathogens to overcome host resistance or develop drug resistance
[@milgroom1997contributions; @tibayrenc1995population]. If pathologists wanted
to use population genetic techniques, they needed to embrace molecular markers
[@milgroom1997contributions; @tibayrenc1995population; @mcdonald1997population;
@taylor1999evolutionary]. -->

A wide variety of molecular markers exist from protein mobility assays to
randomly amplified DNA, to length polymorphisms to direct sequencing of the
genetic code that all reflect this principle [@tibayrenc1995population;

A wide variety of heritable molecular markers exist for population genetic analysis [@tibayrenc1995population;
@halkett2005tackling]. It is not necessary to expound here on the variety of
molecular markers available to us, but it is useful to take note of the common
features. Generally, genetic markers come in two major flavors, selectively neutral and
selected markers [@milgroom1997contributions; @mcdonald1997population;
@tibayrenc1995population]. Selectively neutral markers are used as independent
@tibayrenc1995population]. Selectively neutral markers are used as independent
variables that can reflect the evolutionary history of descent. For selectively
neutral markers, it is important that they be independent and unlinked within
the genome [@mcdonald1997population].
the genome [@mcdonald1997population].

The question then becomes how do you detect the presence of clonal or sexual
reproduction? Because neutral genetic markers vary independently within a population, these
Because neutral genetic markers vary independently within a population, these
are more appropriate than selected markers to detect sexual reproduction. The
theory behind this is simple; sexual reproduction breaks up associations between
markers due to recombination and independent, random assortment. This contrasts with clonal reproduction, which
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +137,7 @@ gene/genotype flow, 4) mating system, and 5) selection due to host resistance

An example of how changing one of these five factors influences plant health is
clear in the oomycete *Phytophthora infestans* (Mont.) de Bary. The causal agent
of potato late blight (and a poster child for plant pathology), *P. infestans* has
of potato late blight (and a poster child for plant pathology). *P. infestans* has
changed the very demographics of human populations across the Atlantic ocean due
to its role in the Irish potato famine [@erwin1996phytophthora]. It has a
heterothallic (no selfing) life cycle that includes both clonally and sexually
Expand All @@ -173,8 +160,8 @@ figcap2 <- beaverdown::render_caption(caption = figcap2, figname = "fig2", to =

From the time of the Great Famine to 1980, there was only one single mating
type, A1, observed in Europe, indicating that it was reproducing in a strictly
clonal fashion [@mcdonald2002pathogen]. Sexual reproduction became possible when
the second mating type, A2, was introduced to Europe. Because of this risk, population
clonal fashion [@goodwin1994panglobal]. Sexual reproduction became possible when
the second mating type, A2, was introduced to Europe [@galindo1960nature]. Because of this risk, population
genetic tools and methods were needed to assess whether or not sexual
reproduction had occurred. While evidence for sexual reproduction was found
[@sujkowski1994increased], it additionally appeared that *P. infestans* was
Expand All @@ -187,9 +174,9 @@ could be addressed.

## The Need For Reproducible Research

Computational methods were increasingly important for answering questions
crucial to plant pathology, and as more and more of our analyses becoming
computational, we need to ensure that our computational methods are
Computational methods are increasingly important for answering questions
crucial to plant pathology, and as more and more of our analyses are becoming
computational in nature, we need to ensure that these methods are
reproducible. Computational methods are crucial for population genetic analyses
in the 21st century [@excoffier2006computer]. There has been a call for
standards in the analysis of clonal organisms for the past twenty years, which
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,11 +234,11 @@ genetics, we present the software package *poppr* in the R computing language
populations were available in several stand-alone software programs, each
requiring different data input formats. Moreover, each program had different
levels of documentation and limited support for all computing platforms. The
novelty of *poppr* was to introduce indices of multilocus genotype diversity,
novelty of *poppr* was to introduce indices of multilocus genotypic diversity,
the index of association, and a fast implementation of Bruvo's genetic distance,
and clone-correction over unlimited levels of user-specified population hierarchies
[@arnaud2007standardizing; @Agapow_2001; @bruvo2004simple]. Because this was
implemented in R these analyses could be performed in a reproducible manner on
implemented in R these analyses can be performed in a reproducible manner on
all computing platforms.

### Summary of Chapter 3
Expand All @@ -274,12 +261,13 @@ of SNP loci.

A newly-emerged disease of oak---called Sudden Oak Death---spread from
California to the Southwest corner of Oregon in 2001. Because of intense
management strategies, the epidemic was largely contained to Curry County for
management strategies, the epidemic was largely contained to Curry county for
the next 15 years. In 2011, an isolated patch of disease appeared in Cape
Sebastian, 12 miles from the nearest infected site. With microsatellite
genotyping performed across 2 labs and 15 years, we sought to describe the
spread of the epidemic in a population genetic context and ask the question of
whether or not there was evidence for more than one introduction event. All the
whether or not there was evidence for more than one introduction event.
This work provided evidence supporting at least two introductions to Curry county forests. All the
analyses were performed in an open-source and reproducible manner using R.

### Summary of Chapter 5
Expand All @@ -290,8 +278,8 @@ are randomly assorting due to recombination, resulting in a near-zero value of
the index of association. In clonal populations, recombination is non-existent,
meaning that loci are passed from parent to offspring in a non-independent
fashion, resulting in a significantly non-zero value of the index of
association. @de2004clonal demonstrated that this index shows high variance with
low levels of sexual reproduction, but due to limitations in software were not
association. De Meeûs & Balloux [-@de2004clonal] demonstrated that this index shows high variance with
low levels of sexual reproduction, but due to limitations in software, they were not
able to perform power analyses. We used *poppr* to investigate the power of the
index of association to detect sexual reproduction in simulated data sets
generated with microsatellite and genomic markers. This chapter provides novel
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