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Project 4: Data-backed solutions for combating West Nile Virus in Chicago

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West Nile virus (WNV) is an infectious viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which can lead to flu-like symptoms, neurological complications, and potentially fatal illnesses in humans.

In the year 2002, the initial human cases of West Nile virus were reported in the city of Chicago. Subsequently, the City of Chicago and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) took significant measures to establish a comprehensive surveillance and control program. This program has been diligently maintained and remains in operation to this day. Over the course of 12 years, substantial efforts have been invested in combating the spread of West Nile Virus, resulting in the accumulation of a vast amount of data by the CDPH. This rich dataset now serves as a valuable resource for making evidence-based decisions.

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Problem Statement

We, Data Nine-Nine, have been engaged as a third-party consulting firm by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to collaborate on a comprehensive review of their West Nile virus (WNV) control efforts. Our objective is to

(1) build machine learning model to predict the presence of WNV; 

(2) providing valuable insights and recommendations to further enhance their strategies 

in combatting the West Nile virus outbreak.

Project Deliverables

Our project is centered around the following objectives:

  1. Conduct comprehensive research on the occurrence and prevalence of the West Nile virus in the city of Chicago.
  2. Develop and train a machine learning model capable of accurately predicting the probability of the presence of the West Nile virus.
  3. Share our insights and recommendations with the esteemed members of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including biostatisticians and epidemiologists.
  4. Provide a thorough cost-benefit analysis to support the CDC members in making informed decisions based on data-driven recommendations for the future.

Project management and planning documentation is done via Github Projects here:


Public health workers in Chicago setup mosquito traps scattered across the city. The captured mosquitos are tested for the presence of West Nile virus.

  • train.csv: The "train.csv" dataset comprises information regarding the geographical coordinates of mosquito traps, the count of mosquitos captured in each trap, and the presence or absence of the West Nile Virus. The dataset encompasses data collected during the years 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013.

  • test.csv: The "test.csv" dataset comprises information regarding the geographical coordinates of mosquito traps and the count of mosquitos captured in each trap. The dataset encompasses data collected during the years 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. We are to use test.csv to evaluate the results of machine learning.

  • spray.csv: The spray.csv consists of GIS data for City of Chicago spray efforts in 2011 and 2013.

  • weather.csv: The weather.csv consists of weather condition data collected by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from year 2007 to 2014.

Data Dictionary

Click to expand and see the Data Dictionary table
Feature Type Dataset Description
year integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Year that the WNV test is performed
month integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Month that the WNV test is performed
day integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Day of month that the WNV test is performed
week integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Week that the WNV is performed
dayofweek integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Day of week that the WNV is performed
dayofyear integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Day of year that the WNV is performed
address object train_merge_df, test_merge_df Approximate address of the location of trap. This is used to send to the GeoCoder.
species object train_merge_df, test_merge_df Species of mosquitos
block integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Block number
street object train_merge_df, test_merge_df Street name
trap object train_merge_df, test_merge_df Id of the Mosquito trap
address_number_and_street object train_merge_df, test_merge_df Address number and street name
latitude float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Latitude returned from GeoCoder
longitude float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Longitude returned from GeoCoder
address_accuracy integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Accuracy returned from GeoCoder
wnv_present integer train_merge_df Whether West Nile Virus was present in these mosquitos. 1 means WNV is present, and 0 means not present.
num_mosquitos integer train_merge_df Number of mosquitoes caught in this trap
station integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Weather station number
stat_1_tmax integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Max temperature at Station 1
stat_1_tmin integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Min temperature at Station 1
stat_1_tavg float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Average temperature at Station 1
stat_1_precip_total float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Total precipitation at Station 1
day_length_mprec float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Day duration in minutes
day_length_nearh float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Day duration in hours
sunrise_hours float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Sunrise timing in hours
sunset_hours float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Sunset timing in hours
yearweek integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Week number of the year
weekpreciptotal float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Weekly total precipitation
weekavgtemp float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Weekly average temperature
r_humid integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Relative humidity
templag1 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Temperature, lagged by 1 week (brought forward)
templag2 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Temperature, lagged by 21 weeks (brought forward)
templag3 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Temperature, lagged by 3 weeks (brought forward)
templag4 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Temperature, lagged by 4 weeks (brought forward)
rainlag1 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Rainfall, lagged by 1 week
rainlag2 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Rainfall, lagged by 2 weeks
rainlag3 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Rainfall, lagged by 3 weeks
rainlag4 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Rainfall, lagged by 4 weeks
humidlag1 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Relative humidity, lagged by 1 week
humidlag2 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Relative humidity, lagged by 2 weeks
humidlag3 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Relative humidity, lagged by 3 weeks
humidlag4 float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Relative humidity, lagged by 4 weeks
mixed_tmax float train_merge_df, test_merge_df The mean maximum temperature from both weather stations
mixed_tmin float train_merge_df, test_merge_df The mean minimum temperature from both weather stations
mixed_precip_total float train_merge_df, test_merge_df The mean maximum temperature from both weather stations
mixed_weekpreciptotal float train_merge_df, test_merge_df The mean weekly total precipitation from both weather stations
mixed_weekavgtemp float train_merge_df, test_merge_df The mean weekly average temperature from both weather stations
mixed_r_humid float train_merge_df, test_merge_df The mean relative humidity from both weather stations
stat_2_tmax integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Max temperature at Station 2
stat_2_tmin integer train_merge_df, test_merge_df Min temperature at Station 2
stat_2_tavg float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Average temperature at Station 2
stat_2_precip_total float train_merge_df, test_merge_df Total precipitation at Station 2
id integer test_merge_df The ID of the record
Date datetime spray_df Date of the spray
Time object spray_df Time of the spray
Latitude float spray_df Latitude of the spray
Longitude float spray_df Longitude of the spray

Data Preprocessing

Data Preprocessing

We followed a rigorous data preprocessing pipeline consisting of three key steps. Firstly, we employed the One Hot Encoder technique to convert categorical data into numerical format, ensuring compatibility with our models. This transformation allowed us to effectively capture the information contained within the categorical variables.

Next, we applied the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to balance the target class distribution, aiming for a 50:50 ratio. By oversampling the minority class, we addressed the issue of class imbalance and improved the performance of our models in handling the target variable.

In the final step of data preprocessing, we utilized the Standard Scaler method. This process involved transforming all features within the dataset to a similar scale and distribution. By doing so, we minimized the potential impact of varying feature magnitudes, allowing our models to better understand the relative importance of different features during the classification process.



Following the data preprocessing stage, the preprocessed dataset was fed into a pipeline of five classification models: logistic regression, random forest classifier, XGBoost, Adaboost, and Voting Classifier. These models were carefully chosen based on their respective strengths and suitability for the classification task at hand. The use of multiple models allowed us to leverage their individual capabilities and ensemble them to make more robust predictions.

By employing this systematic approach, we aimed to enhance the quality and reliability of our classification results, enabling us to make informed decisions based on the predictions generated by the ensemble of models.

Summary of Model Perforamance

TPR1 TNR2 ROC(Train) ROC(Test)
Logistic Regression
(Baseline Model)
0.7802 0.7419 0.8670 0.8269
Random Forest Classifier 0.8352 0.7069 0.8597 0.8552
XGBoost Classifier 0.1319 0.9853 0.9238 0.8733
AdaBoost Classifier 0.7253 0.8124 0.8259 0.8564
Voting Classifier 0.6703 0.8443 0.8987 0.8645

1 - True Positive Rate or Sensitivity.

2 - True Negative Rate or Specificity.
3 - Public Score on (AUC)

Key Recommendations

Potential Cost Reduction

Leveraging the power of machine learning, we have developed an advanced predictive model to effectively combat the West Nile Virus. This innovative approach enables us to significantly reduce costs by an impressive 78.5%. We invite you to delve into the comprehensive details of our proposal outlined below, which showcase the technical prowess and formal methodologies employed in our solution.

Proposal Proposal Evaluation
Alt text Alt text

(1) Time your effort

  • May to October: Economist Approach
  • November to April: Minimalist Approach

(2) Focus on culex pipiens populated areas

(3) Initiate localised social media campaign


(1) Center for Disease Control and Prevention

(2) VDCI Mosquito Management

(3) National Library of Medicine

(4) American Society of Tropical Medicine