This Python script automates the process of converting video files to GIF format in batch. It supports multiple locations, dither options.
- Automatic processing of new files in specified directories
- Scheduled execution at specified intervals
- Python 3.6+
- FFmpeg
Clone this repository:
git clone cd batch-gif-converter
Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure FFmpeg is installed on your system. If not, you can download it from FFmpeg's official website.
- Copy the example configuration file:
cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
Edit config.yaml to suit your needs. The configuration file has the following structure:
- /path/to/video/folder1
- /path/to/video/folder2
schedule_interval: 2 # in minutes
- bayer
- floyd_steinberg
width: 1040 # Optional: output GIF width. If not specified, original video width will be used.
fps: 24 # Optional: output GIF fps. If not specified, original video fps will be used.
Adjust the root_paths, schedule_interval, dither_options, width, and fps according to your requirements.
Run the script with:
You can specify a custom config file location:
python --config /path/to/custom_config.yaml
The script will:
- Monitor the specified directories for new video files.
- Convert new video files to GIF format using the specified dither options.
- Create separate GIF files for each dither option, appending the dither type to the filename.
- Delete the original video file after successful conversion.