Partial prediction in Matlab. Full search method to block matching. P frame prediction using motion vectors
Motion vectors and Frame estimaton
This is a hybrid video codec. First i frames encoded using DCT and enthropy coding(Haffman) sed to the buffer and then decoded again at the video decoder inorder to creat Motion vectors using target image and refference image. THen the displacement of the target and the predicted were encoded and send it to the channel. Then again the predicted images was encoded and decoded to creat next predicted one. Like wise continuously Frames were predicted by using previous predicted frames to the format IPPPPP
Firt Perform DCT on images and quantised using crominance Mat of JPEG and then encoded using Haffman encoding For the Decoder invers if this done.
Open Source Licence
Feel free to use this codes and let me know your comments.
[Author] Tharindu Ekanayake _ [email protected]
Ref: Still Image and Video Compression with MATLAB By K. S. Thyagarajan