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Releases: zestyxyz/ads-sdk


12 Apr 20:07
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All SDKs

  • Detect whether the browser is Meta, Wolvic or Pico (#129, #134, #141, #143)
  • Migrate tests from Jest/Pupeteer to Playwright (#131)
  • Security fixes required due to webpack-dev-server (#135)
  • Update multiple dependencies
    • localtunnel and axios deps (#137)
    • aframe to ^1.3.0 (#138)
    • babel (#139)
  • Break out beacon functionality (#140)
  • Add analytics for sessions (#146)
  • Allow three.js SDK to work with three modules (#154)
  • Cleanup, including removing legacy checks from A-Frame, Web (#161)
  • New endpoint for server v2 work, migrating off IPFS (#167, #168)
  • space terminology became adUnit (#170, #176)
  • Migrate off of beacon v1 (#177)
  • Update default URL from to (#179)
  • Adding support to typescript and babylon.js ts definition file (#185, #186 - thank you @yuripourre!)
  • Fixing iframe embedding restrictions (#190)
  • Update to for oculusBrowserCheck links (#188)

Wonderland Engine

  • Bumped from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 (#128)


23 May 20:46
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All SDKs

  • The creator field is no longer required on the SDKs and has been removed. This also removes some potential friction in the future in the case of NFT transfers. This is a breaking change for babylon.js and three.js on upgrade. To fix, simply remove the creator param from your loadBanner call. Other web frameworks will output a warning if they detect it being passed.
  • SDK version will now be logged to console during initialization.
  • Based on previous governance decision, the beacon setting for analytics is now enabled by default.
  • UTM params are now automatically appended to banner links.
  • Opening links to the Oculus Store on Quest now utilizes a 1 second delay instead of a confirmation window.


Wonderland Engine

  • Added a setting to automatically create collision and cursor-target components on the banner object.


18 Aug 16:41
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Zesty SDKs 1.4.0 Changelog
Zesty now supports Unity! You can currently download a .unitypackage for the SDK from the unity folder in the repo.

All SDKs

  • Since we've been seeing Zesty used for applications beyond just traditional ads, we've adjusted our wording to reflect this. This translates to the following changes:
- adSpace -> space
- adFormat -> format
- ZestyAd -> ZestyBanner

Anything using adSpace or adFormat will continue to work for now, but ZestyAd must be renamed to ZestyBanner if you are using three.js or react-three-fiber/react-xr.

  • You can now choose whether to query the Polygon or Rinkeby networks for Zesty. This is done by setting the network parameter to either "polygon" or "rinkeby". babylon.js and three.js include this parameter by default after creator.
  • We've introduced new banner styles! The default banners you've seen up to this point are the "standard" style, but we now also have "minimal" and "transparent" variations courtesy of @cody#7944. You can set this with the style parameter in A-Frame, r3f, Unity, and Wonderland Engine, and the bannerstyle parameter on the Web SDK. babylon.js and three.js include this parameter by default after format.