This is implementation for Project: Evaluate a news article with Natural Language Processing The Article Analyzer is a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles by url. Using an API called meaning cloud, for demo
The goal of this project is to practice with:
- Setting up Webpack
- Sass styles
- Webpack Loaders and Plugins
- Creating layouts and page design
- Service workers
- Using APIs and creating requests to external urls
npm install
if you face problem use this:
np install --legacy-peer-deps
To run Server side on dev environment:
npm run start
this will run serve on port 8000
To run client side use:
npm run build-dev
you can now check this url to access the project
You need to creat account at and change the .env to your API key
API_KEY = 647*********************
I already deployed the project to this url
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