oddb.org Public
Open Drug Database for Switzerland
amiko-web Public
AmiKo auf dem Web
davaz.com Public
Davaz.com Site
cpp2sqlite Public
C++ tool to generate sqlite database containing Swiss Healthcare Public Domain Drug Information
generikacc Public
Barcode Leser für das iPhone mit Generika.cc
ganglion Public
Source code of the website ganglion.ch
AmiKo-iOS Public
AmiKo Desitin für iPhone und iPad
oddb2xml Public
oddb2xml, create xml files using refdata, swissmedic and bag xml files
socialhealth Public
Social Media Profiles of Health Companies in Switzerland.
pumpspots Public
Spots for Dockstarting and Pumpfoiling plotted on an Map
amiko-osx Public
AmiKo Desitin for AmiKo OS X
generika_android Public
Generika App for Android, based on the Generikacc App for iOS.
swissmedic-diff Public
Show diff of two Packungen.xls files by Swissmedic.
yopenedi Public
OpenTrans 2.1/EDIFACT D.96A File converter
sbsm Public
sbsm - state based session management
amiko_csharp Public
AmiKo Desitin for Windows, written in C#
gdt2dicom Public
Convert a gdt file and an image folder to a dicom file
AmiKo-Android Public
AmiKo Desitin für Android
spreadsheet Public
The Ruby Spreadsheet by ywesee GmbH
migel Public
MiGel Database Applikation for Switzerland
amiko_wx Public
AmiKo/CoMed for Linux and macOS done with wxwidgets and C++, 64 bit. Starts from macOS 10.9
ymeteor Public
Parsing Swissmedic, Pharmnet, HCP, DHCP, Chargenrückrufe, Drugshortages, PEI with Meteor
aips2sqlite Public
aips2sqlite - create an SQLite DB from AIPS, Swissmedic, BAG and Refdata
diprela Public
Diet Pregnancy Lactation
ydocx Public
Parsing docx files with Ruby and output them as HTML