pyslmGWAS, a method method for simultaneous association testing of genetic variants with both case status and a clinical covariate that resolves both of these issues.
Usage: python --tfile plinkFile --f population_frequency --phenofile plinkFormattedPhenotypeFile resultFile (result file should be indicated in the command line) Get beta1, beta2 estimation from bincontmodel.
Options: -v, --verbose Print extra info
--tfile the base for a PLINK tped file
--phenofile phenofile which contains continual phenotypes and discrete disease status if you do not set the parameters, it would automatically search the file whose name starts with the base for a PLINK tped file, and ends with ".phenos"
--f the population frequency
Here is the toy example to show how to run the program
$ python -v --tfile ./data/simulate --f 0.5 ./data/test.output.txt
I also provide the simulation script to further validation our methods.
Usage: python --power 0.5 --n 5000 --f 0.4 --maf 0.2 --base ./data/simulate --cor 0.2 --ez 0.3
--power The power you want to set based on univariate test
--n The total number of case and control studies
--f The population frequency
--maf Minor Allele Frequency
--base The file base for simulation data
--cor The correlation of phenotypes data and disease liability
--ez The effect size of phenotypes on SNPs
$ python --power 0.5 --n 5000 --f 0.4 --maf 0.2 --base ./data/simulate --cor 0.2 --ez 0.3