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Pipelines dashboard

Get an overview of the state of the pipelines of a GitLab instance

Quick start

Create GitLab application

You will need to create a GitLab application.

For that, go to your GitLab instance, then on Settings > Applications.

Give a name, for example Pipelines dashboard. The redirection URL should be set to http://localhost:3000/oidc/callback if you want to run it locally (for developement) or to https://YOUR-PUBLIC-URL/oidc/callback (for production).

Make sure that Confidential is unchecked.

You will need the following scopes:

  • api
  • read_user
  • read_api
  • openid
  • profile
  • email

You will get a client ID.

Create the .env file

Copy the .env.example file into .env.

cp .env.example .env

And update the values with you information:

  • GITLAB: the public URL of your GitLab instance (for example:
  • OIDC_CLIENT_ID: the client ID you got from the previous step
  • SELECTED_TAGS: tags to be selected by default (for example: monitoring), should be separated by commas

Start the project

# install dependencies
npm install

# start locally
npm run start

And open http://localhost:3000/ .