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yoyoengine hub

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The yoyoengine hub (or launcher) is a clean standalone gui which allows you to manage multiple yoyoeditor installs.

Image of the yoyoengine hub


Pick one of the following:

One-liner Install (recommended)

I've created a bash script which will handle downloading and creating a desktop entry for yoyoengine-hub.

You can run it from your terminal with the following command:

curl -sL | sudo bash

If you wish to later uninstall, you can run the following command:

curl -sL | sudo bash

These scripts need sudo because they touch /usr/bin and /usr/share/applications. If this is scary for you, please check out the source code before running :)


You can download the latest release from the releases page.

Alternatively, here is a one liner to download and install the latest release:

curl -L $(curl -s | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith(".tar.gz")) | .browser_download_url') | tar -xz -C ~/.local/bin

This will place yoyoengine-hub in ~/.local/bin, so to run it you can just run yoyoengine-hub from the terminal.

Build from source

Assuming you have python3 and pip3, you can run the following commands:

git clone

cd launcher

pip install -r requirements.txt

pyinstaller --onefile --name yoyoengine-hub --collect-data sv_ttk --collect-data desktop_notifier --icon media/yoyoengine.ico --add-data "media/smallcleanlogo.png:." --add-data "media/cleanlogo.png:." --add-data "media/smallesttextlogo.png:." src/

From there, you have a single elf binary in the dist directory.

Running development build

Make sure you run from outside the source dir, with --dev as a cli arg to

python src/ --dev