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Qualtet is an API-based blogging system (server-side).

Live (Qualtet is the backend for this site)

Docs | Scala API | REST API

Version CI/CD Coverage
v2.x CI Coverage Status
v1.x CI Coverage Status

Related Projects

Project Description
Qualtet API-based blogging system (server-side).
Qualtet-mock Mock server of Qualtet. Created for Quintet's E2E tests.
Qualtet-CLI A set of wrappers that call the APIs of Hexo and Qualtet.
Quintet The front end for Qualtet.

About Hexo. Hexo is an SSG, but I'm using it only for local content management (such as markdown, images, etc.). The content of my website depends on Hexo locally. However, Qualtet doesn't necessarily need to depend on Hexo or any other SSG or CMS, etc.

Architecture (Example)

An example architecture.


  • sbt 1.10.x
  • Scala 3.6.x
  • Java 21.x, 17.x (Perhaps works with 11.x)
  • MariaDB 11.4.x
  • docker & docker-compose 3.x (for test)


Please see website.


Please see releases page.


Using Stacks

Stack -
Scala -
cats Functional programming library
cats-effect Pure asynchronous runtime
http4s HTTP Server
jsoniter-scala JSON codecs
jwt-scala JWT support
doobie JDBC Layer
airframe-ulid ULID Generator
caffeine Caching library
logback Logging framework
slf4j Logging facade
Spring Security BCrypt password
Flyway Database Migration
ScalaTest Unit test
Mockito Mocking framework
Scalafmt Code formatter
GitHub Action CI/CD
COVERALLS Coverage report
ReDoc API documentation
GitHub Pages Hosting WebSite & API docuementation


The current master branch is for v2.x. v1.x branch is here. But it will be not updated.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.